European Justice – What recourse for citizens?
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European Justice – What recourse for citizens?

10 December 2021. Since the health crisis, several associations have noted that their appeals against EU decisions are systematically deemed “inadmissible”. They refer to a judicial crisis. Children’s health Defense Europe and four other European associations (Coordination nationale santé médecine environnement, European forum for vaccine vigilance, La Ligue nationale pour la Liberté des Vaccinations, Terra Sos-Tenible) have just…

Court of Appeal ruling: “Covid Pass is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights” (Belgium)
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Court of Appeal ruling: “Covid Pass is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights” (Belgium)

Brussels, 7th January 2022 – Far from validating the Covid Safe Ticket, the Court of Appeal of Liège finds it contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court admits that it can consider the Covid Safe Ticket a proportionate and necessary measure at the time of the ruling in the Walloon region. Nevertheless,…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Call to Support Children’s Health Defense Europe
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Call to Support Children’s Health Defense Europe

“The resistance has to be global, and we have to be able to organize, to communicate with each other and to coordinate our response to totalitarianism, to inform each other of the strategies of our opponents, of the people who want to take our children away, who want to take our rights away.” “I want…

Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11, Study Shows
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Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11, Study Shows

A new study from Germany showed extremely few deaths among healthy children overall — including zero deaths among children 5 to 11 — suggesting some studies are designed to distort the risk to kids. By Vinay Prasad, M.D., MPH There is a new study out now from Germany, allow me to give you the highlights. The authors…

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‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Bestseller – Over 1 million copies sold

This book provides the hard facts about the epidemic and research – making it accessible to as many people as possible. By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. In my latest book — “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” — I take an in-depth look at the…

“Vaccine passports have no impact on reducing infections” warns Spanish Covid committee
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“Vaccine passports have no impact on reducing infections” warns Spanish Covid committee

According to a report in online Daily Telegraph by Ewan Somerville Dec 1, 2021: “Covid passports are ineffective at reducing infection and may even be sending out false messages that being vaccinated means a person cannot spread the virus, experts advising Spain’s government have found.” The information comes in turn from the Spanish newspaper El…

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New variant hysteria comes from same Gates, World Economic Forum funded institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares

A Substack article by Jordan Schachtel reveals how the Omicron scare started at Imperial College, London – it will be recalled how it was the alarmist modelling of Imperial College professor Neil Ferguson in March 2020 which precipitated global lockdown. The new scare apparently started with a tweet on 23 November two days before it…

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Denouncers denounced… Is the State Counselor for Health who persecutes the ‘anti-pass’ and ‘anti-vaccines’ himself vaccinated? (Switzerland)

In a recent statement, Mr. Mauro Poggia, State Councillor in charge of health in Switzerland, urged customers of establishments not requiring the Covid Certificate to denounce. “The people who take the trouble to obtain the health pass must themselves become measures of general control”. This would be “a citizen’s duty”, he added, in words that…

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As Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines Near 1 Million Mark, CDC, FDA Clear Pfizer, Moderna Boosters for All Adults

VAERS data released today by the CDC included a total of 894,145 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 18,853 deaths and 139,126 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 12, 2021. By Megan Redshaw The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data today showing a total…