Raising concerns about the MHRA’: something appears to be breaking in the U.K.
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Raising concerns about the MHRA’: something appears to be breaking in the U.K.

This ferocious and sustained attack on the MHRA which has just been published by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Pandemic Response and Recovery was sent on 24 October last year to the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee. An APPG is an informal group of parliamentarians from both the Commons and the…

25 Mainstream Papers that Show Measles Vaccines Cannot Eradicate Measles

25 Mainstream Papers that Show Measles Vaccines Cannot Eradicate Measles

To keep us all on our toes between pandemic Covid and pandemic Disease X it looks like the global agencies have brought back the hardy perennial of measles to scare and divide us. In this regard it is essential to acknowledge that measles vaccines cannot eradicate measles to which end I submit 25 mainstream studies,…

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? British Government & World Economic Forum plan to replace clinical trials with AI projections
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What Could Possibly Go Wrong? British Government & World Economic Forum plan to replace clinical trials with AI projections

Using AI for Clinical Trials Five years ago the British Government announced a collaboration with the then little talked about World Economic Forum to research innovative methods of regulation. It is not exactly clear what administrative or financial role the WEF play in this project but in practice the UK Department of Business awards bursaries…

Andrew Mitchell and the British State as Vaccine Manufacturer

Andrew Mitchell and the British State as Vaccine Manufacturer

This is a commentary to one of the oddest events in modern British politics which occurred in the House of Commons last week when MP Andrew Bridgen got up to give a speech on the Covid shot fallout and the entire chamber emptied – involving the unusual behaviour of veteran Foreign Office minister and long…

Facilitating the WHO power grab: the return of Bill Gates crony David Cameron

Facilitating the WHO power grab: the return of Bill Gates crony David Cameron

The return of former British Prime Minister David Cameron to office as Foreign Secretary affirms that the main purpose of the British state is really to push vaccines. In a disturbing turn of events after a punishing weekend on the streets of London provoked by the Gazan war – which has left the country politically…

Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth – A Book Review by John Stone
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Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth – A Book Review by John Stone

A welcome for this important and paradoxical book. Although it has been edited for an English speaking audience by Mary Holland and Zoey O’Toole it was assembled by anonymous (Israeli) authors providing an anatomy of vaccine science, at least as it existed in 2019 before Covid. It may be considered critical to the understanding of…

The Echo-Chambers of Public Health
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The Echo-Chambers of Public Health

Some readers may recall back in August following the pronouncements of British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, about clamping down on vaccine misinformation. I tried to help by reviewing our National Health Service webpage ‘Vaccines are safe and important’. It may be said the web-managers were perfectly courteous but referred my comments to “Public Health England…

“Vaccine passports have no impact on reducing infections” warns Spanish Covid committee
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“Vaccine passports have no impact on reducing infections” warns Spanish Covid committee

According to a report in online Daily Telegraph by Ewan Somerville Dec 1, 2021: “Covid passports are ineffective at reducing infection and may even be sending out false messages that being vaccinated means a person cannot spread the virus, experts advising Spain’s government have found.” The information comes in turn from the Spanish newspaper El…

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New variant hysteria comes from same Gates, World Economic Forum funded institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares

A Substack article by Jordan Schachtel reveals how the Omicron scare started at Imperial College, London – it will be recalled how it was the alarmist modelling of Imperial College professor Neil Ferguson in March 2020 which precipitated global lockdown. The new scare apparently started with a tweet on 23 November two days before it…

ID 2020 Alliance Vaccine Drive Featured
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The ID2020 Alliance: The Global Totalitarian Project Hiding Behind The Vaccine Drive

CHD Europe are re-publishing this article by John Stone, which first appeared on the 1 November 2019 on the Age of Autism website warning that we were on the brink of an extreme political era comparable to 1930-45. We believe it gives a useful historical context to subsequent events. These days history happens by stealth:…