Do we recognise the plans that are currently underway to challenge our health and to restrict our personal freedoms and assets?
Leaders and experts in business, health, media and governance come together to share intelligence, identify solutions and a path forwards.
Symposium organized by Doctors’ Appeal and CHD Europe, live streamed on Sep 30, 2023
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Other Events during that Weekend:
Presentation given in the Swedish Parliament and the Demonstration against the W.H.O.
Find out more

Dr. Wolfgang WODARG, Germany
German medical doctor in public health, internal and respiratory medicine and hygiene. Previously served as a member of parliament in the German Bundestag (1994-2009) and as an anticorruption specialist.

Jacob NORDANGÅRD, PhD, Sweden
Jacob Nordangård is a Swedish researcher, author, lecturer, and musician. Ph.D. in Technology and Social Change at Linköping University. Master of Social Science in Geography, and Master of Social Science in Culture and Media Production.
Jacob has written six books about the historical roots and development of the global management system that has manifested itself in recent years. His latest book The Digital World Brain was released in Swedish in December 2022. Founder and chairman of the Swedish foundation Stiftelsen Pharos and CEO of the independent publishing and media production company Pharos Media Productions.
Has previously worked as graphic designer, editor, media producer, press officer, politician, and senior lecturer at the universities of Linköping, Jönköping, and Stockholm. More information is available at Jacob’s homepage.

David WEBB, Canada
David Rogers Webb has deep experience with investigation and analysis within challenging and deceptive environments, including the mergers and acquisitions boom of the 80’s, venture investing, and the public financial markets. He managed hedge funds through the period spanning the extremes of the dot-com bubble and bust, producing a gross return of more than 320% while the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ indices had losses. His clients included some of the largest international institutional investors.
David’s book ‘The Great Taking’ is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle and is available at

Prof. Robyn COSFURD, Australia
Prof. Robyn Cosford is Chair of the Board for Children’s Health Defense Australia, having been a functional medicine practitioner for over 35 years. As a mother of five, she is passionate about the health of children and the mother- small child relationship in particular.
Robyn was grandfathered into Australasian College on Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) by Professor Ian Brighthope in 1996 and was a researcher with University of Newcastle into metabolic and stool microbiota patterns in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism and ADHD. It was at this time that she began researching and treating abnormalities in gut microbiome in various disease patterns and patterns of hidden infections. A senior lecturer for ACNEM over many years, Robyn has presented at numerous conferences to medical and non-medical audiences alike across Australia and abroad, including the Defeat Autism Now Conference in the USA. In 2021 she retired her medical license as a result of the Covid situation and has since been speaking in interviews, at rallies, public forums and conferences, whilst continuing to provide integral care by empowering people to take back control of their own health as a Lifestyle and Wellness Consultant. Robyn has long been working in the field of vaccine injured children, with special interest in children’s neurodevelopmental disorders, and Autism in particular. Naturally, as a result, she has been following Children’s Health Defense for many years and is excited and honoured to be Chair and a Director on the board of the new Australian Chapter.
Panel Discussions
Solving the Problem of Weaponized Health -|Panel Discussion | September 2023


Catherine Austin FITTS, USA
President of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.
Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BA), the Wharton School (MBA) and studied Mandarin Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr David Bell, MBBS, PhD, USA
Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute, David Bell is a public health physician and biotech consultant in global health. He is a former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO), Programme Head for malaria and febrile diseases at the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) in Geneva, Switzerland, and Director of Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund in Bellevue, WA, USA.

Carolyn A. BETTS Esq., USA
General Counsel of Solari, Inc., contributor to Solari Report and co-host for Financial Rebellion with Catherine Austin Fitts on CHD-TV.
Carolyn served as the lead financial advisor for the USA Federal Housing Administration and as an associate and then partner in the corporate finance departments of Omaha and Washington, DC law firms. In these roles she represented affordable housing development, federal government, capital market, financial services, and other major clients in connection with large mergers and acquisitions, mortgage securitizations and other finance transactions. During the savings and loan crisis, her practice group represented Resolution Trust Corporation in designing and executing transactions involving assets of savings loans in government receivership.

Andrew BRIDGEN, Member of Parliament, UK
Andrew Bridgen has been the hardworking and local MP for North West Leicestershire, UK since 2010 following a successful career in business. Andrew has helped thousands of constituents and run many high profiles campaigns over the last decade, ensuring his constituents have a strong voice in Westminster. Andrew has been a critical voice of the COVID-19 management in the UK, and he has also been vocal about his concerns regarding the World Health Organization’s future regulations.

With a background in Economics. Sonia Elijah is a former BBC researcher and now works as an investigative journalist for the Children’s Health Defence Organization. Elijah has uncovered significant conflicts of interest through her studies of Pfizer’s original clinical vaccine documentation.

Jonathan GILTHORPE PhD, Sweden
An academic research scientist with over 30 years of experience in disciplines ranging from virology to neuroscience. Jonathan’s lifelong pursuit of true knowledge has led, in his professional career, to a growing understanding for the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying health and disease. His research focuses neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. He has been an active member of The Doctor’s Appeal since 2021, when he became vocal about the tremendous damage due to wide and uncritical acceptance of rapidly deployed mRNA therapeutics.

Orsolya GYÖRFFY, Switzerland
CHD Europe board member and Executive Director. After a short stay at Camphill, Orsolya studied economics in England. She first worked as an organizational development consultant in many multinational companies and finally as the head of information technology for the EMEA regions on the board of an American multinational company. She supported and facilitated several art and social science initiatives and events. Her life took a new turn after she became aware of the extent of corruption in 2007, in the run-up to the financial crisis, and worked on the translation of D.N. Dunlop’s biography. Since 2010, she has served as managing director of Perseus Publishing. The publishing house publishes anthroposophical books, works by Prof. Anthony C. Sutton, Carroll Quigley, T.H. Meyer, Terry Boardman, and others exposing historical lies. She co-edits and contributes to the international monthly journal ‘The Present Age’, which promotes humanities by analysing symptomatic events in politics, culture, and economics. In addition to working at CHD, she collaborates with several organizations standing up for medical freedom and protection of children.

DDr. Renate HOLZEISEN, Italy
A European Human Rights lawyer based in South Tyrol who is fighting the Corona measures legally, Board member of CHD Europe. She contends that any newly developed vaccine cannot be made mandatory using the rationale that was used for their approval. She is also a Barrister practicing before the Supreme Courts and is specialized in European and International Law. She is a formidable force in cases at the European and national level by unifying, sharing, and coordinating initiatives. She is actively engaged in issues regarding Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.

President and General Counsel of Children’s Health Defense. Mary has been writing and advocating for better vaccine law and policy for many years, including while she served on the faculty at NYU School of Law from 2002-19. She is co-author of two books on vaccines, Vaccine Epidemic and The HPV Vaccine on Trial, as well as several law review articles.

Taylor HUDAK, Hungary & USA
Taylor Hudak is an American-Hungarian journalist based in Budapest. Taylor researches, writes, and produces reports for The Last American Vagabond and is a contributor to Children’s Health Defense Europe. She received a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from Kent State University. Taylor works closely with Doctors for Covid Ethics, an organization of doctors and scientists standing for truth and ethics in science and medicine.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine specialist and a former Associate Professor and Chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin. Prior to COVID-19, he was an internationally renowned pioneer in the field of critical care ultrasonography, having served as Senior Editor of an award-winning textbook in its 2nd edition, translated into 7 languages. During COVID-19, he co-founded and serves as the President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).

Philipp KRUSE, LL.M, Switzerland
Attorney at law with his own law firm in Zurich Switzerland. He has practiced for over 25 years in business and in tax law. In the fall of 2020, Philipp decided to dedicate his professional experience to re-establishing an evidence- and constitution-based approach to resolve the COVID-19-crisis.
Philipp has led over 30 ordinary court proceedings to help parents, children, students and business owners in Switzerland to end unconstitutional corona mandates. In November 2022, he and his team published a substantial criminal complaint against Swissmedic (the highest Swiss medical safety agency) for illegally authorizing harmful mRNA-based experimental products. He is co-president of the Swiss Lawyers Committee and founding member of the International Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights. He has given presentations in many different countries to warn people and lawmakers about the harmful implications from WHO’s undemocratic extension of powers over the sovereignty and democracy of the member states.

A former pharmaceutical R&D executive with 25 years of experience in clinical trials, regulatory affairs and quality compliance. Sasha ran several contract research organisations and worked for 60+ pharma companies world-wide. Originally from Ukraine and has been living in the US since late 1990’s.

A physician and researcher who proved the world’s largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine, investigated Gulf War Syndrome, and challenged the FBI’s investigation of the anthrax letters. She has given 6 Congressional testimonies and many testimonies to state legislatures on bioterrorism, vaccine safety, COVID and public health. She has consulted for the World Bank, the Cuban Ministry of Health and the Director of National Intelligence. She is a scientific advisor for Children’s Health Defense. Her medical license was suspended in 2022 for prescribing COVID medications and for allegedly spreading misinformation. Website:

Ricardo Oskam, Netherlands
Ricardo Oskam provides research, due diligence, analytics, and marketing support to Solari Screens. He is co-author of ‘Building Wealth’ at the Solari Report. After graduating from Erasmus University, BSc & MSc., Ricardo spent five years working in the investment industry. He practices Kyokushin Karate with a 2nd degree black belt.

Michael PALMER, MD, Canada
A former Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and is board certified in Medical Microbiology. His experimental research focus is on bacterial toxins and antibiotics. Michael has authored a textbook on Biochemical Pharmacology and recently edited and published mRNA Vaccine Toxicity with Doctors for Covid Ethics.

Author, economist, and investigator from the eastern United States. James was deeply troubled by the brutality of the lockdowns in March 2020 and the intensity of the misinformation surrounding everything COVID. In response he set out to produce a documentary and series of interviews to give a voice to the unheard heroes, the dignitaries and scientists speaking out.

Marco RICCA, Switzerland
Marco is a graduate in telecommunications engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). He founded Europe’s first “ethical hacking” firm, Ilion Security, which he sold in 2011. He subsequently founded Satorys, another cyber-security startup, which he sold in 2013. As an independent consultant in cyber-security, he has also spoken and written about the way the Internet and strong cryptography can help shape a freer world. Since 2020, Marco has been working with many organizations of the resistance, helping them circumvent online censorship, integrate open source alternatives to big tech solutions, and spread the cause of liberty.

Mike Robinson is co-editor of the UK Column. He has been writing on political issues since the mid-1990s and joined the UK Column in 2008. His background is in technology infrastructure and has worked in a wide range of sectors: telecoms, heavy engineering, legal and finance.

Sven ROMÁN MD, Sweden
Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Sven has broad experience in both inpatient and outpatient clinics. Over the past decade, Sven has often entered the arena of public debate on psychiatry, and on child and adolescent psychiatry in particular. Since February 2020 he has debated the COVID-19 strategy and on 12th March 2021, together with two medical colleagues, launched the non-profit association Läkaruppropet, which was founded as a Swedish response to The Great Barrington Declaration. Following the international interest generated by the January 2023 Stockholm conference ‘Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences’, the organisation rebranded as The Doctors’ Appeal in 2023.

Prof. Richard WERNER, D.Phil., UK
Professor in Banking and Finance. Richard holds a First Class Honours in Economics from the London School of Economics and a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Oxford. He is a founding chair of Local First, a community interest company establishing non-profit community banks in the UK, and in 2008, he founded and has been Director of the Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development. His book Princes of the Yen was a No. 1 bestseller in Japan and is one of the best sources for people who want to understand central banking.
Via Link

Martin got into finance after he started working at a small gold shop, and his keen interest in coin collecting and the historical context of the coinage lead to the discovery and development of financial forecasting tools to predict market movements. He was one of the first International Hedge Fund Managers since 1985 and the first International Economist and International Institutional & Geopolitical Advisor, being the world’s largest institutional advisor. Martin has advised governments, heads of state, multinational corporations, and the takeover players during the 1980’s. Martin is a prolific forecaster, commentator and educator on the economy and the cycles that underlie everything from business to the rise and fall of civilizations. You can follow his work at
Talk (Saturday evening)
The Debt behind CBDCs and Political Change
‘After working with governments for 40 years, CBDCs are the solution to the debt crisis. This is their exit strategy, to default on the debt by redenominating everything. Governments can no longer borrow endlessly, as the buyers of sovereign debt have become sellers’.

John is an attorney. He has written, produced, and directed videos about the loss of the rule of law in the U.S. since 2014. His videos focus largely on Wall Street crime, and cronyism in the financial system. He has a juris doctor and has litigated patents for 25 years. He also holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering and worked as an electrical engineer in the space industry. Since 2020 John has co-produced and co-hosted Money & Markets with Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari Inc.
"On Guard for the Liberty of the Mankind" Part I.- David Bell final | Sweden Sept 2023

"On Guard for the Liberty of the Mankind" Part I- Renate Holzesein final

"On Guard for the Liberty of the Mankind" Part I

Other Events Which Took Place In Stockholm
Live Stream Recording From The Presentation Given in The Swedish Parliament
This meeting is now an official record in Sweden as a meeting in a Parliament building organized by an elected official (Elsa Widding, MP)
Approximate time stamps:
0-23:00 Elsa Widding, MP (Sweden) – Introduction
0:23:00-1:21:30, Michael Palmer, MD, PhD – Mechanisms of toxicity of mRNA vaccines
1:21:40– 2:11:35, Sasha Latypova – Weaponization of health for global population control and enslavement
2:32:00 – 3:35:00, Pierre Kory, MD – War on ivermectin
2:35:00 – 4:24:00, Phillip Kruse – WHO International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty
4:26:30 – 4:42:27, Renate Holseizen, WHO and European Commission
4:42:27– end, Andrew Bridgen, MP, UK – “pandemic” experience in the UK and evidence of subversion and capture of the democratic institutions to serve the WHO/globalist agenda.

Demonstration Against The W.H.O. In Downtown Stockholm | October 1, 2023