WHO Plans More ‘Health Promoting Schools’ — Critics Say More Vaccines, Less Parental Control Are Fueling the Plan
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WHO Plans More ‘Health Promoting Schools’ — Critics Say More Vaccines, Less Parental Control Are Fueling the Plan

The WHO is expanding its “Making Every School a Health Promoting School” initiative. Critics say the move is an attempt to bypass parental consent and expand vaccination, data collection and surveillance. The World Health Organization (WHO) is expanding its “health promoting schools” initiative worldwide, citing flagging vaccination rates and the need to provide medical services…

New EU surveillance plans leaked
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New EU surveillance plans leaked

The EU Commission is targeting its citizens even more closely. The monitoring of “SMART” devices is to be greatly expanded. Source: TKP.at, Thomas Oysmüller, 05 June 2024 An internal proposal paper commissioned by the EU Commission has been leaked to the media. Even if the plans may not be implemented in exactly the same way,…

WHO insider on the UN war on life
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WHO insider on the UN war on life

A WHO insider who worked for the UN organisation for years reports from the engine room of the “global coup d’état” that is currently underway. Source: TKP.at, Thomas Oysmüller, 05 June 2024 The doctor and scientist Astrid Stuckelberger worked for years with the WHO on the controversial International Health Regulations (IHR) and wrote policy papers…

70 years of Bilderberg: Globalists discussed AI and modern warfare in Madrid
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70 years of Bilderberg: Globalists discussed AI and modern warfare in Madrid

Globalist elites have been meeting behind closed doors at the Bilderberg conference since 1954. This year, the conference took place from 30 May to 2 June in the Spanish capital Madrid to discuss globalist agendas and make decisions on direction. Source: Report24.news, Heinz Steiner, June 03rd, 2024 Every year, high-ranking personalities from politics, business, media…

Klaus Schwab to Vacate Top Post, as WEF Looks to Become Global Leader in Public-Private ‘Cooperation’
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Klaus Schwab to Vacate Top Post, as WEF Looks to Become Global Leader in Public-Private ‘Cooperation’

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the WEF, will step down from his leadership role, according to Semafor. Meanwhile, a WEF spokesperson said the organization is “transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation.” Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), will step down…

‘Playing God’ — 50 Years of Medical Malpractice in the U.K. — Premieres Today on CHD.TV
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‘Playing God’ — 50 Years of Medical Malpractice in the U.K. — Premieres Today on CHD.TV

Tune in to CHD.TV today at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT for the premiere of “Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK,” a documentary featuring interviews with people who were injured, or lost loved ones, as a result of medical malfeasance. Tune in to CHD.TV today at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT…

Prof Haditsch analyses: Is WHO even competent for pandemic management?
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Prof Haditsch analyses: Is WHO even competent for pandemic management?

Source: Report24.news, Florian Machl, 21 April 2024 Prof. DDr. Martin Haditsch speaks up with a analysis that summarises the problems surrounding the planned contracts with the WHO. One new aspect he mentions is that the WHO is not impartial due to its privately organised funding. There are no rules on qualifications for the non-democratically elected…

Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake! There was no pandemic!
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Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake! There was no pandemic!

Source: TKP.at, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 15 April 2024 PANDA was founded in April 2020 by a group of multidisciplinary experts critical of the global response to Covid. On 1 March 2024, a comprehensive assessment of the coronavirus measures was published, culminating in the statement: “There was never a pandemic.” The detailed report, which can…

Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture
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Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture

Source: TKP.at Dr Peter F. Mayer, 12 April 2024 More and more countries around the world have started to introduce a new global digital ID system, which is being strongly promoted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Gates has travelled to various countries to convince heads of state and government of the idea, as can be…

“Pfizer law” passed in the French parliament
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“Pfizer law” passed in the French parliament

Source: TKP.at Thomas Oysmüller, 15 April 2024 Whether criticising mRNA treatment or masks against influenza viruses: all of this can be prosecuted in France in future. Anyone who dissuades people from corporate medicine will face trouble in future. Critics have labelled the new French “sect law” the “Pfizer law”. This is because it means that…