WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governments
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WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governments

WHO’s governing body has signed off on a draft resolution on the use of behavioural sciences in health policy. A pamphlet issued by the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear what it is really about: extensive manipulation of public opinion n the interests of a world authority that believes itself to be in possession of scientific truth….

WHO Pandemic Treaty Is ‘An Assault on Our Freedoms’: MP
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WHO Pandemic Treaty Is ‘An Assault on Our Freedoms’: MP

A British MP has warned that a proposed Word Health Organisation (WHO) treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness represents “an assault on our freedoms” and would create a “vast public health surveillance mechanism.” On Monday, MPs debated whether the government should hold a referendum on the UK’s involvement in the WHO pandemic treaty (pdf). The debate was prompted…

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive amounts of bacterial DNA: evidence and implications
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COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive amounts of bacterial DNA: evidence and implications

Recent studies by Kevin McKernan, a leading expert in DNA and RNA sequencing methods, have revealed that batches of the modified mRNA vaccines produced by both Pfizer and Moderna contain a high proportion of contaminating bacterial DNA. In total, DNA accounts for up to 20-35% of the nucleic acids contained in each of the vaccine…

The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke
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The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke

This 6-minute clip from the European Parliament’s three-hour meeting on 27 March with the Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic is a must-see! Robert Roos MEP from the Netherlands has demanded answers from former Big Pharma lobbyist and EMA CEO Emer Cooke on the following areas: Ms Cooke admitted that“most of the data came from…

Court Orders Merck to Turn Over Gardasil Adverse Event Databases
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Court Orders Merck to Turn Over Gardasil Adverse Event Databases

A North Carolina district court ordered pharmaceutical giant Merck to turn over all of its Gardasil adverse event databases to plaintiffs suing the pharmaceutical giant for injuries allegedly caused by the HPV vaccine. A North Carolina district court ordered Merck to turn over all of its Gardasil adverse events databases to plaintiffs suing the pharmaceutical giant for…

EMA head grilled over damning data from EU’s 1st Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine safety report at the European Parliament
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EMA head grilled over damning data from EU’s 1st Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine safety report at the European Parliament

On March 27, a 3-hour session held by the ‘Special Committee on COVID-19 pandemic’ took place at the European Parliament. The last memorable session was when Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets- “working at the speed of science”-Janine Smalls (who stood in for company CEO Albert Bourla because he failed to show) faced a grilling from certain MEPs. This…

Corruption – a pandemic emergency of international concern
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Corruption – a pandemic emergency of international concern

A community is stronger and more resilient the more its members can see and understand what is being decided. There must be transparency – and it must be used. Today, corruption is often institutionalised and thus legalised and can hardly be brought to court. This is where the sovereign, the people themselves, are called upon…

Startling Evidence suggests BioNTech/Pfizer Falsified Key Data & Further Scandals (part 2)
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Startling Evidence suggests BioNTech/Pfizer Falsified Key Data & Further Scandals (part 2)

Originally published on Trial Site News Part 1 of my investigative report published in Trial Site News, focused on the unusual-looking Pfizer-BioNTech “Western Blots” – the scandal known as Blotgate. Western Blots were performed by BioNTech to prove the fidelity of their product (to regulators) that only the expected spike protein was expressed in vitro…

Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide
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Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide

The Covid-skeptic world has been claiming the World Health Organization (WHO) plans to become some sort of global autocratic government, removing national sovereignty and replacing it with a totalitarian health state. The near-complete absence of interest by mainstream media would suggest, to the rational observer, that this is yet another ‘conspiracy theory’ from a disaffected…

EMA’s failure to pull COVID 19 jabs even though risk-benefit balance nullified
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EMA’s failure to pull COVID 19 jabs even though risk-benefit balance nullified

EU safety report on Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine reveals damning data It is high time to hold the EMA and the EU Commission and their complicit partners – starting with WHO and FDA, CDC – accountable for their dereliction of duty in failing to protect public health by ignoring the glaring safety signals and standing by…