Public Benefit or Big Profits for Big Telecom? Here’s What’s Really Driving the 5G Rollout.
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Public Benefit or Big Profits for Big Telecom? Here’s What’s Really Driving the 5G Rollout.

Proponents of 5G say the technology will address the “digital divide” by increasing online services to the underserved — but critics say 5G is a marketing move the telecommunications industry is using to put their equipment up everywhere and strip away regulatory oversight. This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s…

Dangers of the electronic patient file

Dangers of the electronic patient file

From 2025, health insurers are to create an electronic file for every patient who does not expressly object. Guest author Andreas Heyer criticises this because he fears data misuse. There are already examples of this from abroad. By Andreas Heyer.* So far, apparently only a few patients see any benefit in having their health and…

WHO, Pandemics, and the new Public Health

WHO, Pandemics, and the new Public Health

Our governments intend to transfer decisions over our health, families and societal freedoms to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), whenever he or she declares it necessary. The success of this transfer of power depends on public ignorance of its implications, and of the nature of WHO itself and its recent pandemic…

mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy?
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mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy?

mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? This is the question asked by Helene Banoun PhD, in one of her latest articles published 22 June 2023 in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, in its special issue The Future of Drug Discovery and Development. The question many have addressed before and fought to uncover: citizens, lawyers, scientists…

The WHO, sovereignty, and reality

The WHO, sovereignty, and reality

The Director General of World Health Organization (WHO) reassures us that WHO’s ‘pandemic accord’ (or ‘treaty’) won’t reduce the sovereignty of WHO’s Member States. WHO trusts that these words will serve as a distraction from reality. Those driving the perpetual health emergency agenda are planning to give WHO more power, and States less. This will…

Health is being rejiggered into pandemic preparedness, huge expenses and rapid deployment of mRNA vaccines for infections but maybe all other medical conditions
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Health is being rejiggered into pandemic preparedness, huge expenses and rapid deployment of mRNA vaccines for infections but maybe all other medical conditions

Documents from the EU Commission and US government Europe and the USA have already bought into the Global Biosecurity Agenda aka Pandemic Preparedness. Europe issued its report on its Global Health Agenda in March, and it isn’t about health, it is about making health the driver for the WHO/globalist agenda. No surprise I guess. But to see…

5G may reduce bone strength

5G may reduce bone strength

A new study shows that exposure to the 3.5 GHz frequency used in 5G reduces bone strength and flexibility in animal experiments, even though the exposure was well below ICNIRP limits that supposedly protect against all health risks. In addition, increased oxidative stress was observed in skeletal muscle tissues. 3.the 5 GHz frequency is the…

The EU Commission selected biased experts for radiation report

The EU Commission selected biased experts for radiation report

Serious criticism has emerged from an in-depth review of the European Commission’s latest expert report on the health risks of the radiation emitted by wireless technologies. The EU experts are biased and the report seems to be predetermined to dismiss health risks and give the go-ahead to adopt the new ICNIRP limits from 2020. These…

EMA’s latest bombshell instalment of damning data confirms their failure: PSUR #3, the pregnancy and lactation cases
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EMA’s latest bombshell instalment of damning data confirms their failure: PSUR #3, the pregnancy and lactation cases

Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request, the EU’s Periodic Safety Update Report #3 (PSUR #3), covering the 6-month period of 19 December 2021 through to 18 June 2022, recently became available on the Austrian Politics and Science blog, tkp.  My analysis of PSUR #1 was published in Children’s Health Defense Europe, which covered…

LEAKED LETTER from EMA Head to MEPs shows agency’s abject failure
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LEAKED LETTER from EMA Head to MEPs shows agency’s abject failure

Recently, I was given a leaked 8-page letter (dated April 20th) from the European Medicines Agency’s executive director (and former Big Pharma lobbyist) Emer Cooke to the Chair of COVID Special Committee, MEP Kathleen Van Brempt. I am sure it will be published soon on the EMA’s website in their ‘commitment to transparency’, no doubt….