French Attorney Diane Protat Warns of Side Effects of COVID Injections During Air Travel
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French Attorney Diane Protat Warns of Side Effects of COVID Injections During Air Travel

In this interview, French lawyer Diane Protat representing the group Navigants Libres (press release available here), explains their fight in court defending pilots, flight attendants and all flight personnel who have experienced the severe and deadly effects of the Covid -19 vaccine shots and mandates. Due to the life-threatening consequences of not just those commandeering…

INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy
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INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy

Geneva, Switzerland – May 28, the International Alliance for Justice and Democracy will host a press conference entitled “Democracy at Threat by WHO’s [World Health Organization] Centralization of Power” at the Geneva Press Club to address WHO’s ambiguous procedures following their 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. The press conference aims to bring full transparency to legal matters…

EMA does not publish vaccine data from January 2021: “Covered by military Secrecy’
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EMA does not publish vaccine data from January 2021: “Covered by military Secrecy’

Originally published in Byoblu. What is the real effectiveness of vaccines against Covid? All the backtracks on vaccine efficacy The vaccine efficacy numbers provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators in recent months have looked more like lottery draws than in-depth analyses. Why has the vaccine gone from an alleged efficacy of 95% in December 2020…

Rain and Shine in German Courtrooms

Rain and Shine in German Courtrooms

Germany saw two significant judical events today, one in Passau (Bavaria), another in Leipzig. The county court in Passau (Amtsgericht) had a sentence passed onto Dr. Ronny Weikl, who was accused of issuing false health certificates when he in fact expressed his medical opinion, based on scientific evidence, that wearing a mask can be dangerous…

Acquit Dr. Ronny Weikl!

Acquit Dr. Ronny Weikl!

On Monday, 02.05.2022, the County Court of Passau will pass a verdict against the “mask doctor” (so BR 24) Dr. Ronald Weikl (his friends call him “Ronny”) for mass issuance of blank certificates for exemption from the mask requirement. Whether it was a matter of issuing false health certificates, which is punishable under §278 of…

A Call to Europe: The Future of Our Children is at Stake – Historical Press Conf. in Brussels Jan 23 [12 Videos with Subtitles]
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A Call to Europe: The Future of Our Children is at Stake – Historical Press Conf. in Brussels Jan 23 [12 Videos with Subtitles]

During the pandemic, most EU member states made far-reaching decisions, often blind to the health, physical and mental well-being of children and young people, putting political agendas and vested interests first. Today, the European Union is considering continuing and centralising these measures imposed by the state of emergency, which have failed and caused so much…

European Justice – What recourse for citizens?
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European Justice – What recourse for citizens?

10 December 2021. Since the health crisis, several associations have noted that their appeals against EU decisions are systematically deemed “inadmissible”. They refer to a judicial crisis. Children’s health Defense Europe and four other European associations (Coordination nationale santé médecine environnement, European forum for vaccine vigilance, La Ligue nationale pour la Liberté des Vaccinations, Terra Sos-Tenible) have just…

Court of Appeal ruling: “Covid Pass is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights” (Belgium)
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Court of Appeal ruling: “Covid Pass is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights” (Belgium)

Brussels, 7th January 2022 – Far from validating the Covid Safe Ticket, the Court of Appeal of Liège finds it contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court admits that it can consider the Covid Safe Ticket a proportionate and necessary measure at the time of the ruling in the Walloon region. Nevertheless,…

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Parents Oppose Vaccination of Minors Based on Informed Consent Legislation (Belgium)

In Belgium the organisation Notre Bon Droit is supporting a case filed on behalf of a dozen families who appeal the decision to open vaccination for minors aged 16-17. According to them this authorisation is illegal and the requirements for informed consent cannot be met. Several testimonies of outraged parents reveal that minors have been…

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Call to European Parents : Join EU action to withdraw authorisation of Pfizer Covid Injection For Children 12+

Deadline: September 15th 2021 Action: join as intervenor in the legal action to annul EU license of Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine for children aged 12 years and over  Conditions for Application:  parent of a child in the European Union  Costs: no fees to apply Details of case and form for application: see at the end of this…