Let’s Break the Silence about Covid-19 Vaccine Injury and Death
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Let’s Break the Silence about Covid-19 Vaccine Injury and Death

CHD Europe is proud to support the #CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign As part of the ongoing mission of Children’s Health Defense, we continuously advocate for transparency and sound science within any vaccination program. The grave side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine in the world’s populations are now too many to be ignored. In CHD’s support of campaigns…

INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy
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INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy

Geneva, Switzerland – May 28, the International Alliance for Justice and Democracy will host a press conference entitled “Democracy at Threat by WHO’s [World Health Organization] Centralization of Power” at the Geneva Press Club to address WHO’s ambiguous procedures following their 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. The press conference aims to bring full transparency to legal matters…

Surprising Worldwide Epidemic of Monkeypox

Surprising Worldwide Epidemic of Monkeypox

On May 19, 2022, the first suspected case of monkeypox was reported in the region of Paris, France. In an alert distributed to all health professionals, the Directorate-General of the French Ministry of Health (DGS) mentioned an unusual phenomenon. At the end of May, the EU was already in talks with Danish firm Bavarian Nordic and US company…

Declaration of Opposition to the Proposed International Health Regulations Amendments TAKE ACTION NOW!
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Declaration of Opposition to the Proposed International Health Regulations Amendments TAKE ACTION NOW!

We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), an attempt to implement the public health equivalent of a “one-world government” in violation of individual nations’ and citizens’ inalienable rights and sovereignty. Please amplify your voice by emailing or calling your president, prime minister, members of parliament, senators, representatives, and other…

EMA does not publish vaccine data from January 2021: “Covered by military Secrecy’
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EMA does not publish vaccine data from January 2021: “Covered by military Secrecy’

Originally published in Byoblu. What is the real effectiveness of vaccines against Covid? All the backtracks on vaccine efficacy The vaccine efficacy numbers provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators in recent months have looked more like lottery draws than in-depth analyses. Why has the vaccine gone from an alleged efficacy of 95% in December 2020…

»The World is run by conspiracies – Let’s start one oursevles«
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»The World is run by conspiracies – Let’s start one oursevles«

In a repeat-visit to Del Bigtree’s show THE HIGHWIRE, former US-Government official and Investment Banker, Catherine Austin Fitts, who today is President of Solari.Inc, an Investment Advisory and Freedom Champion, gave a stunning and illustrative account of what she calls “an insider vs. outsider” game. Fitts was referring to the ongoing takeover of the world…

Rain and Shine in German Courtrooms

Rain and Shine in German Courtrooms

Germany saw two significant judical events today, one in Passau (Bavaria), another in Leipzig. The county court in Passau (Amtsgericht) had a sentence passed onto Dr. Ronny Weikl, who was accused of issuing false health certificates when he in fact expressed his medical opinion, based on scientific evidence, that wearing a mask can be dangerous…