The US biolaboratories in Ukraine for the production of pathogens
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The US biolaboratories in Ukraine for the production of pathogens

Source:, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 19 April 2024 The Department of Defense had confirmed during Operation Warp Speed that pathogens were being produced in the laboratories. This was reported by Sasha Latypova at the beginning of March. She had found a document on the official website of the Ukrainian parliament (Rada) describing the 2005…

Debate in Parliament Ignites over Excess Deaths and Vaccine Safety Concerns
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Debate in Parliament Ignites over Excess Deaths and Vaccine Safety Concerns

Source: Sonia Elijah Investigates, Substack, 19 April 2024 CHD Europe Editor: Public in gallery immediately cheers after Andrew Bridgen’s last sentence of his speech in parliament on 18th April 2024. On April 18th, in the UK House of Commons, Andrew Bridgen, MP (Independent) for North West Leicestershire gave an uncompromising and hard-hitting speech on the debate…

Enormous climate data fraud uncovered: Resolved weather stations feed in data
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Enormous climate data fraud uncovered: Resolved weather stations feed in data

Source:, Willi Huber, 18 April 2024 came across some inconsistencies regarding the positioning of the measuring station at the supposed 30-degree record in Austria. It is located next to a huge asphalt surface and a plastic waste dump. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Behind the climate alarmism is an…

Release of secret text messages between EU-Leyen and Pfizer’s Bourla also demanded by US court
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Release of secret text messages between EU-Leyen and Pfizer’s Bourla also demanded by US court

Source:, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 18 April 2024 The President of the EU Commission apparently bought around 1.8 billion mRNA vaccine doses for an estimated 36 billion euros at the beginning of 2021. So far, all parties involved have refused to hand over the text message communication, which allegedly contains around 100 messages. There…

Insider report: Leyen facing the end
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Insider report: Leyen facing the end

Source:, Thomas Oysmüller, 17 April 2024 It is highly uncertain that von der Leyen will head the EU Commission for another five years. Almost only the traffic lights are still behind her. It came as quite a surprise when EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (she is under investigation by the European Public…

Greece facing “population collapse”
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Greece facing “population collapse”

Source:, Thomas Oysmüller, 16 April 2024 The birth rate has collapsed further and “sudden” deaths of young people are increasing: this is finally bringing the Greek population pyramid to the brink of collapse. Almost all Western nations are struggling with a collapsing demographic pyramid. Greece is particularly affected, which observers believe will be “the…

Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake! There was no pandemic!
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Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake! There was no pandemic!

Source:, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 15 April 2024 PANDA was founded in April 2020 by a group of multidisciplinary experts critical of the global response to Covid. On 1 March 2024, a comprehensive assessment of the coronavirus measures was published, culminating in the statement: “There was never a pandemic.” The detailed report, which can…

Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture
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Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture

Source: Dr Peter F. Mayer, 12 April 2024 More and more countries around the world have started to introduce a new global digital ID system, which is being strongly promoted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Gates has travelled to various countries to convince heads of state and government of the idea, as can be…

“Pfizer law” passed in the French parliament
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“Pfizer law” passed in the French parliament

Source: Thomas Oysmüller, 15 April 2024 Whether criticising mRNA treatment or masks against influenza viruses: all of this can be prosecuted in France in future. Anyone who dissuades people from corporate medicine will face trouble in future. Critics have labelled the new French “sect law” the “Pfizer law”. This is because it means that…

Greece extends digital ID obligation
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Greece extends digital ID obligation

Source:, Thomas Oysmüller, 15 April 2024 The use of the eID is supposed to remain voluntary in the EU. However, Greece shows that without a digital ID, people could soon be confronted with restrictions in everyday life. The EU Commission regularly declares that the digital ID will not be mandatory and that no one…