Legal Battle To Stop Covid Vaccines in the High Court (Israel)
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Legal Battle To Stop Covid Vaccines in the High Court (Israel)

After a petition signed by hundred of citizens, the legal battle to stop Covid vaccines in Israel, country with the highest percentage of their population vaccinated with experimental COVID vaccines, enter a new stage. In a press release on March 30, Dr Hervé Seligmann, a member of the faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical…

“Making Something Out Of Nothing”: PCR Tests, CT Values and False Positives. A Comment on the Efficacy of the RT-PCR Test in View of the Jaafar Paper

“Making Something Out Of Nothing”: PCR Tests, CT Values and False Positives. A Comment on the Efficacy of the RT-PCR Test in View of the Jaafar Paper

by Niels Harrit PhD SUMMARY: If inoculation can be used as verification of the Corman-Drosten RT-PCR test for Covid-19, about 50% of the positive results reported must be considered false when a maximum of 35 cycles are applied. If only 25 cycles are applied the fraction of false positives drops to 20%. The efficacy of…

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections
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Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections

Please click here (or on the image below) to download the Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections (PDF).         Disclaimer: This form is provided to facilitate effective family due diligence, communication, and planning. It is essential that each person and each family take responsibility to identify and access the information they…

A Deluge of Hummingbirds To Block EU ‘Green Pass’
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A Deluge of Hummingbirds To Block EU ‘Green Pass’

On Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 March, European Parliament inboxes were flooded with emails urging them to reject the fast-track procedure for the adoption of the ‘Green Digital Certificate’, a kind of European vaccine passport. A few days earlier, the European Commission had tabled a proposal for a regulation to adopt the ‘Green Digital Certificate’…

The ID2020 Alliance: The Global Totalitarian Project Hiding Behind The Vaccine Drive
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The ID2020 Alliance: The Global Totalitarian Project Hiding Behind The Vaccine Drive

CHD Europe are re-publishing this article by John Stone, which first appeared on the 1 November 2019 on the Age of Autism website warning that we were on the brink of an extreme political era comparable to 1930-45. We believe it gives a useful historical context to subsequent events. These days history happens by stealth:…

Lawsuit against the Emergency Health Law (France)
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Lawsuit against the Emergency Health Law (France)

On March 8, 2021, Me de Araujo-Recchia filed an interim summons before the president of the Paris judicial court against the health emergency law. This complaint was filed at the request of three associations and 1360 individuals against the State, Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Health Olivier Véran. We reproduce the following elements…

TAKE ACTION: UK Government Public Consultation on Covid Pass, Deadline Monday 29th March 11.45PM
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TAKE ACTION: UK Government Public Consultation on Covid Pass, Deadline Monday 29th March 11.45PM

Website for details of Consultation: TAKE ACTION 1. First, sign the petition “Do Not Roll Out Covid-19 Vaccine Passports” on the Government & Parliament website Click here to access the Petition 2. Secondly, send an email with your concerns about the Covid Pass to: You will find below 2 models of letters to…

Vera Sharav Holocaust Survivor: “We are at an important crossroads. Either society will make it through and survive, or it won’t” (Part 2)
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Vera Sharav Holocaust Survivor: “We are at an important crossroads. Either society will make it through and survive, or it won’t” (Part 2)

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav has long campaigned for human rights in the context of medical experiments. She is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection. There she advocates for people who participate in medical experiments against their will or without their knowledge. One such experiment is the vaccination against the SARS-COV2…

European Union About To Vote On Common Vaccination Passport To Travel
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European Union About To Vote On Common Vaccination Passport To Travel

On 17 March 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal to create a Digital Green Certificate to facilitate the safe free movement of citizens within the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. The  ‘interoperable’ certificates would providing evidence that a person has been vaccinated or has negative RT-PCR test against Covid-19.  The pass would include information…

Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor, talks about the Corona-measures and how they attack our humanity (Part 1)
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Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor, talks about the Corona-measures and how they attack our humanity (Part 1)

Vera Sharav is a survivor of the Holocaust. The video presents a moving conversation about the worries of a great woman who for many years has campaigned for the rights of people who are involved in medical experiments, consciously or unknowingly. Vera Sharav was three years old when she and her family were deported to a…