Myocarditis signal was known in Feb 2021 but FDA and CDC hid it until they got the vaccine authorized for 12-15 year olds in May 2021. Here is the proof.

Myocarditis signal was known in Feb 2021 but FDA and CDC hid it until they got the vaccine authorized for 12-15 year olds in May 2021. Here is the proof.

FDA, CDC and Israeli evidence. Willful misconduct is clearly demonstrated. I was told that the VAERS contractor for CDC and FDA (Oracle had the contract) told the agencies there was a myocarditis adverse event signal in February 2021. This was 2 months after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were authorized. (Myocarditis shows up within 4…

Reinstating unvaccinated healthcare workers: ‘I couldn’t hold back the tears’

Reinstating unvaccinated healthcare workers: ‘I couldn’t hold back the tears’

The repeal of covid vaccination requirement for healthcare professionals voted in the French Parliament. The Gauche Démocratique et Républicaine group’s bill to repeal the covid-19 vaccination obligation in the medical sectors and to reinstate suspended professionals was adopted against the government’s advice on Thursday, May 4th,  2023, by 157 votes in favor and 137 votes…

A book review: ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentices’
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A book review: ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentices’

Prof. Alexandra Henrion Caude, PhD is well-known to most of our readers for her scientific work beyond the accelerated turmoil of the past three years. She is committed to finding simple, low cost and ethical medical solutions through her research in genetics.  Prof. Henrion Caude has been openly critical of the failure of the health…

LEAKED LETTER from EMA Head to MEPs shows agency’s abject failure
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LEAKED LETTER from EMA Head to MEPs shows agency’s abject failure

Recently, I was given a leaked 8-page letter (dated April 20th) from the European Medicines Agency’s executive director (and former Big Pharma lobbyist) Emer Cooke to the Chair of COVID Special Committee, MEP Kathleen Van Brempt. I am sure it will be published soon on the EMA’s website in their ‘commitment to transparency’, no doubt….

WHO Pandemic Treaty Is ‘An Assault on Our Freedoms’: MP
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WHO Pandemic Treaty Is ‘An Assault on Our Freedoms’: MP

A British MP has warned that a proposed Word Health Organisation (WHO) treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness represents “an assault on our freedoms” and would create a “vast public health surveillance mechanism.” On Monday, MPs debated whether the government should hold a referendum on the UK’s involvement in the WHO pandemic treaty (pdf). The debate was prompted…

Here is how the globalists take illogical concepts and turn them into pillars of our culture, for instance, that health relies on planetary biodiversity
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Here is how the globalists take illogical concepts and turn them into pillars of our culture, for instance, that health relies on planetary biodiversity

An example from the UN Environment Program. The plan is laid out for embedding the idea that health and biodiversity are inextricably linked–to push the One Health agenda as outlined below. It’s important to get a good grasp of how globalist organizations like the UN, WHO and World Economic Forum have taken concepts that everyone…

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive amounts of bacterial DNA: evidence and implications
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COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive amounts of bacterial DNA: evidence and implications

Recent studies by Kevin McKernan, a leading expert in DNA and RNA sequencing methods, have revealed that batches of the modified mRNA vaccines produced by both Pfizer and Moderna contain a high proportion of contaminating bacterial DNA. In total, DNA accounts for up to 20-35% of the nucleic acids contained in each of the vaccine…

U.S. officials: Criticism of Wuhan Institute of Virology ‘called out actions that we ourselves are doing’

U.S. officials: Criticism of Wuhan Institute of Virology ‘called out actions that we ourselves are doing’

The U.S. intelligence community and health officials opposed publishing information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology because it could raise questions about research and labs supported by the U.S., according to an email obtained by U.S. Right to Know. Officials at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Health and Human Services…

The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke
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The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke

This 6-minute clip from the European Parliament’s three-hour meeting on 27 March with the Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic is a must-see! Robert Roos MEP from the Netherlands has demanded answers from former Big Pharma lobbyist and EMA CEO Emer Cooke on the following areas: Ms Cooke admitted that“most of the data came from…

CDC and FDA contracts show they prepared for massive amounts of serious adverse events months before Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out

CDC and FDA contracts show they prepared for massive amounts of serious adverse events months before Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out

A 142 page freedom of information request reveals shocking Covid-19 vaccine adverse event contract documents between the CDC, FDA and General Dynamics Information Technology dated August 27, 2020, four months BEFORE the Covid-19 vaccines were introduced to the general population. As you can see the contract is dated August 27, 2020, the Covid-19 vaccines began rolling out to the…