A CALL TO OUR HEALTH AGENCIES, GOVERNING BODIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITALY: There is an Urgent Need for Complete Transparency Regarding the Serious Dangers of the mRNA products in use
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A CALL TO OUR HEALTH AGENCIES, GOVERNING BODIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITALY: There is an Urgent Need for Complete Transparency Regarding the Serious Dangers of the mRNA products in use

Governing Bodies, Health Authorities and Agencies by definition and by law exist to serve and protect public health.  One key responsibility of these agencies is to ensure the proper evaluation and scrutiny of any new medicines before their authorization and approval for general use. This is particularly necessary with entirely new  substances and technologies, such…

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda WATCH NOW!
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Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda WATCH NOW!

Where there is a risk, there should be a choice. A 29 mins documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. Watch the chilling tale of African women whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental tetanus vaccination program. Are women everywhere next? In this free documentary film, you’ll learn:…

#CanWeTalkAboutIt: Let’s Break the Silence about Covid-19 Vaccine Injury and Death
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#CanWeTalkAboutIt: Let’s Break the Silence about Covid-19 Vaccine Injury and Death

CHD Europe is proud to support the #CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign As part of the ongoing mission of Children’s Health Defense, we continuously advocate for transparency and sound science within any vaccination program. The grave side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine in the world’s populations are now too many to be ignored. In CHD’s support of campaigns…

INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy
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INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy

Geneva, Switzerland – May 28, the International Alliance for Justice and Democracy will host a press conference entitled “Democracy at Threat by WHO’s [World Health Organization] Centralization of Power” at the Geneva Press Club to address WHO’s ambiguous procedures following their 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. The press conference aims to bring full transparency to legal matters…

100,000+ Documents Reveal Disturbing Details About High-Risk Gain-of-Function Experiments
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100,000+ Documents Reveal Disturbing Details About High-Risk Gain-of-Function Experiments

By Dr. Joseph Mercola An investigative report by Vanity Fair contributor Katherine Eban, based on more than 100,000 EcoHealth Alliance documents, shows a disturbing reality of “murky grant agreements, flimsy NIH oversight and pursuit of government grants by pitching increasingly risky global research.” Story-at-a-glance:  Read the full article on The Defender here.

EMA does not publish vaccine data from January 2021: “Covered by military Secrecy’
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EMA does not publish vaccine data from January 2021: “Covered by military Secrecy’

Originally published in Byoblu. What is the real effectiveness of vaccines against Covid? All the backtracks on vaccine efficacy The vaccine efficacy numbers provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators in recent months have looked more like lottery draws than in-depth analyses. Why has the vaccine gone from an alleged efficacy of 95% in December 2020…

Dear Moms + Dads in the UK – A Warning From American Children
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Dear Moms + Dads in the UK – A Warning From American Children

Transcript Dear Moms and Dads in the UK, my name is Emily, and I’m a 10-year-old American girl. I saw that your country has begun vaccinating 5 to 11-year-old kids for Coronavirus. This made me feel scared and sad for your children. Are you prepared to lose all trust in your medical system? Do you…

6 Double Standards Public Health Officials Used to Justify COVID Vaccines
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6 Double Standards Public Health Officials Used to Justify COVID Vaccines

By Madhava Setty, M.D. From the beginning, the official COVID-19 narrative has been inconsistent, hypocritical and/or contradictory because medical authorities used double standards to create the illusion their narrative was logical and sensible. We are not only in an epidemiological crisis, we also are in an epistemological crisis. How do we know what we know? What…

The Truth Shall Set You Free: Watch the 13 Clips from D4CE Symposium III with Highly Acclaimed International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists
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The Truth Shall Set You Free: Watch the 13 Clips from D4CE Symposium III with Highly Acclaimed International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists

‘Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act’ – George Orwell On February 18th, Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE), in co-operation with Children’s Health Defense Europe, held our third symposium, to once again convene experts in fields relevant to COVID-19 science and policy, so that they may share their knowledge and expertise,…

The 11 Forbidden Speeches of International Key Speakers, Brussels January 23 2022
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The 11 Forbidden Speeches of International Key Speakers, Brussels January 23 2022

Brussels, 23 January 2022 – Organizers of the peaceful protest against COVID mandates in Brussels called off the event after police — using tear gas, water cannons and dogs — ordered them to disburse. Key speakers later in the day delivered their forbidden speeches at a restaurant. Catherine Austin Fitts, President of Solari, Inc., Managing…