Finger scan

The biometric-digital marking of all citizens of the world is becoming reality

Shortly after it has become known that hackers are offering the identity data of most Indians from the world’s largest digital identity database for sale, the European Parliament and Council have agreed to introduce something similar for Europeans, while Washington praises the Ukrainian version as an export model and Bill Gates wants to impose a…

Russia’s Finance Ministry says (again) that the digital ruble will replace cash
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Russia’s Finance Ministry says (again) that the digital ruble will replace cash

“The transition to CBDCs will be completely voluntary, though. You needn’t worry!” Alexei Moiseev, Russia’s deputy minister of finance, is the world’s most candid space lizard. When he announced in a September 2021 interview that “the digital ruble is a replacement for the cash ruble”, skeptics and haters spread hurtful rumors that Moiseev’s refreshing and…

Glass Panels Exterior of the Microsoft Building

From October, Microsoft will check everything you do on your Windows computer

From 30 September, new terms and conditions will apply to Microsoft customers. If you do not adhere to a vague code of conduct when using products of the quasi-monopolist, your account can be blocked and you can lose access to all paid or free services and your data stored there. Recourse is available on a…

Limitations of AI

Limitations of AI

This article was written with help from AI This article is about Artificial Intelligence, one of the most hyped technology topics right now and a specific type of AI called Larger Language Models (LLMs), which are used to create chatbots like ChatGPT.  After trying to understand and use various models, I’ve concluded that they are…

Public Benefit or Big Profits for Big Telecom? Here’s What’s Really Driving the 5G Rollout.
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Public Benefit or Big Profits for Big Telecom? Here’s What’s Really Driving the 5G Rollout.

Proponents of 5G say the technology will address the “digital divide” by increasing online services to the underserved — but critics say 5G is a marketing move the telecommunications industry is using to put their equipment up everywhere and strip away regulatory oversight. This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s…

The WEF and its partners claim to work to provide “digital safety”–except the WSJ has just showed us that partner Meta has been directing its clients to child sex abuse sites

The WEF and its partners claim to work to provide “digital safety”–except the WSJ has just showed us that partner Meta has been directing its clients to child sex abuse sites

Not only is the partner a huge problem (I will provide the WSJ article full text), but “digital safety” is also a euphemism for censorship The impact of delivering digital safety—according to the World Economic Forum Of course, the issues with a digital identity and health passport are: But let’s make it palatable: this is…

WHO Initiative Would ‘Promote Desired Behaviors’ by Surveilling Social Media
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WHO Initiative Would ‘Promote Desired Behaviors’ by Surveilling Social Media

A new World Health Organization initiative asks member states to combat what the agency calls an ‘infodemic’ — an overabundance of information, “accurate or not,” that makes it difficult for people to “adopt behaviors that will protect their health and the health of their families and communities.” The World Health Organization (WHO) is proposing a…

EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement
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EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement

What is disinformation? It used to be true information that the DHS claimed was misleading. Now it has been redefined to encompass misinformation (false information) too. But it is a slippery concept, because we have a First Amendment right to free speech: we can say whatever we want to say. It does not have to…

Critique of EU Commission expert opinion report on radiofrequency radiation from wireless technology – EU Commission hand-picked expert report authors known for bias towards telecom business needs
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Critique of EU Commission expert opinion report on radiofrequency radiation from wireless technology – EU Commission hand-picked expert report authors known for bias towards telecom business needs

Two European NGO’s, specialized on the health risks from radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitted by modern wireless technology, published an in-depth critical review of the latest EU Commission expert group report on RFR. The EU expert report is heavily biased and appears to be predetermined to dismiss health risks below the ICNIRP limits of maximum exposure to RFR….

»The World is run by conspiracies – Let’s start one oursevles«
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»The World is run by conspiracies – Let’s start one oursevles«

In a repeat-visit to Del Bigtree’s show THE HIGHWIRE, former US-Government official and Investment Banker, Catherine Austin Fitts, who today is President of Solari.Inc, an Investment Advisory and Freedom Champion, gave a stunning and illustrative account of what she calls “an insider vs. outsider” game. Fitts was referring to the ongoing takeover of the world…