New EU surveillance plans leaked
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New EU surveillance plans leaked

The EU Commission is targeting its citizens even more closely. The monitoring of “SMART” devices is to be greatly expanded. Source:, Thomas Oysmüller, 05 June 2024 An internal proposal paper commissioned by the EU Commission has been leaked to the media. Even if the plans may not be implemented in exactly the same way,…

Behavioural disorders and mental illnesses on the rise among Swedish children
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Behavioural disorders and mental illnesses on the rise among Swedish children

The number of Swedish children with behavioural disorders or mental illness has increased sharply over the past 20 years, according to National Board of Health and Welfare statistics. More than six times as many children and young people aged 0-19 had one of these diagnoses when visiting specialised outpatient care in 2023, compared to 20…

‘The Treaty is Done’: WHO Pandemic Treaty Defeated, at Least For Now
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‘The Treaty is Done’: WHO Pandemic Treaty Defeated, at Least For Now

Negotiators failed to submit final texts of the WHO’s pandemic agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations before the May 24 deadline, but some critics of the proposals warned against celebrating prematurely. Published in The Defender May 28, 2024 by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Negotiations for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed “pandemic agreement” —…

School That Let T-Mobile Install 9 Cell Antennas Near Playground Locked Into 31-Year Contract
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School That Let T-Mobile Install 9 Cell Antennas Near Playground Locked Into 31-Year Contract

A private school in San Diego signed a contract with T-Mobile to install hidden antennas only 20 feet above the school’s playground. Parents said they didn’t find out until a parent accidentally saw them while the school was closed for a holiday break. Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles on…

Schools Are Signing Cell Tower Deals — Without Telling Parents
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Schools Are Signing Cell Tower Deals — Without Telling Parents

Telecom companies are approaching school boards across the U.S., offering to install wireless towers in exchange for what initially appears as a lucrative income stream for the often cash-strapped schools. But the deals often favor the telecom companies, and the towers can pose health risks, experts say. Published in The Defender May 22, 2024 by…

Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time to Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID-19 Vaccines
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Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time to Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID-19 Vaccines

‘We kind of got cancelled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines,’ Dr. Robert Redfield said. By Tom Ozimek, 5/17/2024 Updated: 5/20/2024, originally published in Epoch Times Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said Thursday that many…

The EU is getting ready for total control of the digital space
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The EU is getting ready for total control of the digital space

Source: Norbert Häring, Money & Markets, 15 April 2024 Under the pretext of promoting “civic” engagement, the EU Commission is funding the development of artificially intelligent software for the survellance and manipulation of social media – for use of state-funded, private watchdogs and government agencies. Preparatory work has been done in the USA. In the…

The chemtrail industry for man-made weather and climate change
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The chemtrail industry for man-made weather and climate change

Source:, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 18 April 2024 Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory until they become true. Weather manipulation is known to every winegrower who wants to protect himself from large hailstones. But in fact, weather manipulation is now practised on an industrial scale. Government and corporate media prefer to write about climate change…

The US biolaboratories in Ukraine for the production of pathogens
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The US biolaboratories in Ukraine for the production of pathogens

Source:, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 19 April 2024 The Department of Defense had confirmed during Operation Warp Speed that pathogens were being produced in the laboratories. This was reported by Sasha Latypova at the beginning of March. She had found a document on the official website of the Ukrainian parliament (Rada) describing the 2005…

Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture
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Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture

Source: Dr Peter F. Mayer, 12 April 2024 More and more countries around the world have started to introduce a new global digital ID system, which is being strongly promoted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Gates has travelled to various countries to convince heads of state and government of the idea, as can be…