Historic demonstration in Brussels
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Historic demonstration in Brussels

While the EU political elite devotes itself to the current democracy game (“European elections”), the European peasantry is protesting in the heart of Brussels. Source: TKP.at, Thomas Oysmüller, June 04th, 2024 “The revolution will not be broadcast on TV” is a saying that was coined by social movements many years ago. Today, Tuesday, the truth…

If Bayer Really Wanted to Stand With Farmers, It Would Stop Selling Them Toxics + More
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If Bayer Really Wanted to Stand With Farmers, It Would Stop Selling Them Toxics + More

The Defender’s Big Food NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to industrial food companies and their products, including ultra-processed foods, food additives, contaminants, GMOs and lab-grown meat and their toxic effects on human health. The views expressed in the excerpts from other news sources do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender. Op-Ed:…

‘Drop Monoculture and Industrial Thinking’: Study Shows Diversified Farming Pays Off for People and Planet
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‘Drop Monoculture and Industrial Thinking’: Study Shows Diversified Farming Pays Off for People and Planet

A new study of diverse agricultural operations worldwide found that farms and pastures can achieve significant social and environmental benefits by working “less like factories” and “more like healthy natural ecosystems.” Story at a glance: Industrialized farming is characterized by monoculture, or growing one type of crop over a large area, season after season. While said…

Long-term Exposure to Toxic Pesticides Alters Gut Microbiome, Metabolism
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Long-term Exposure to Toxic Pesticides Alters Gut Microbiome, Metabolism

A new study published in Environmental Health builds on existing research assessing the relationship between long-term exposure to organophosphorus pesticides — widely used in food production, homes and gardens — and the human gut microbiome. Source The Defender, May 1, 2024, originally from Beyond Pesticides Researchers build on existing research when assessing the relationship between…

The chemtrail industry for man-made weather and climate change
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The chemtrail industry for man-made weather and climate change

Source: TKP.at, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 18 April 2024 Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory until they become true. Weather manipulation is known to every winegrower who wants to protect himself from large hailstones. But in fact, weather manipulation is now practised on an industrial scale. Government and corporate media prefer to write about climate change…

Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture
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Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture

Source: TKP.at Dr Peter F. Mayer, 12 April 2024 More and more countries around the world have started to introduce a new global digital ID system, which is being strongly promoted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Gates has travelled to various countries to convince heads of state and government of the idea, as can be…

CHD’s Mary Holland Interviews Sen. Ron Johnson on COVID, Censorship and the Scientific and Technological ‘Elite’
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CHD’s Mary Holland Interviews Sen. Ron Johnson on COVID, Censorship and the Scientific and Technological ‘Elite’

Sen. Ron Johnson and Children’s Health Defense CEO Mary Holland discussed the failures of the COVID-19 response, the lack of oversight in Congress and the erosion of First Amendment rights during a conversation Tuesday at the Heritage Foundation’s Weaponization of U.S. Government Symposium. “Nothing we did during COVID made sense whatsoever — it was all…

Can compounds of mRNA vaccines survive digestion and be biologically active in consuming humans or animals?
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Can compounds of mRNA vaccines survive digestion and be biologically active in consuming humans or animals?

Source : TKP.at, Ph.D.Ph.D. Siguna Müller, Siguna’s Substack, 03 April 2024 Are we approaching a potentially global disaster via broad-scale livestock and wildlife RNA vaccination? Thanks for reading my Substack. After I had posted my preprint last week on the environmental risks of existing and emerging human and animal mRNA vaccines, I kept pondering one…

10 Years of Studies Link Pesticide Exposure and Childhood Cancer
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10 Years of Studies Link Pesticide Exposure and Childhood Cancer

A meta-analysis of 174 studies published in the International Journal of Molecular Science between 2013 and 2023 found that more than 80% showed positive associations between pesticide exposure and heightened risk of childhood cancers. Source: The Defender, Original by Beyond Pesticides Researchers at the National Institute of Pediatrics and National Polytechnic Institute found positive associations…

Tennessee Senate Passes Bill Targeting Vaccines in Food
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Tennessee Senate Passes Bill Targeting Vaccines in Food

The measure was brought in the Tennessee Legislature in response to concerns about vaccines being used in produce sold in stores, said state Republicans. Source: Epoch Times, US, Jack Phillips, 01 Apr 2024 The Tennessee Legislature has passed a bill that would require foods containing vaccines or vaccine materials to be labeled as pharmaceutical drugs….