Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Call to Support Children’s Health Defense Europe
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Call to Support Children’s Health Defense Europe

“The resistance has to be global, and we have to be able to organize, to communicate with each other and to coordinate our response to totalitarianism, to inform each other of the strategies of our opponents, of the people who want to take our children away, who want to take our rights away.” “I want…

Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11, Study Shows
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Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11, Study Shows

A new study from Germany showed extremely few deaths among healthy children overall — including zero deaths among children 5 to 11 — suggesting some studies are designed to distort the risk to kids. By Vinay Prasad, M.D., MPH There is a new study out now from Germany, allow me to give you the highlights. The authors…

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Denouncers denounced… Is the State Counselor for Health who persecutes the ‘anti-pass’ and ‘anti-vaccines’ himself vaccinated? (Switzerland)

In a recent statement, Mr. Mauro Poggia, State Councillor in charge of health in Switzerland, urged customers of establishments not requiring the Covid Certificate to denounce. “The people who take the trouble to obtain the health pass must themselves become measures of general control”. This would be “a citizen’s duty”, he added, in words that…

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A victory would be a symbol for all citizens of the world – Swiss Referendum, Nov 28

Are you a vaccinated citizen? The Covid Certificate is part of a financial transaction control grid that will strip you of your property. Are you a Swiss citizen who is unvaccinated? It’s the same. We’re all in this together…

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“Let’s Save the Children of Finland” campaign

The Let’s Save the Children of Finland campaign (in Finnish: Pelastetaan Suomen lapset) was born in the summer of 2021 when the Finnish authorities started to promote the coronavirus vaccinations to children and adolescents in Finland and a group of doctors working in Finland found each other and decided to make an appeal to stop…

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in Milan, Italy on Nov 13 – Press Conference + Rally

Watch the press conference (Kennedy speaks at 34:40):  Watch the demonstration (Kennedy starts at 26:17) Transcript of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Speech at the Rally «  No government, in the history of mankind, has ever relinquished power voluntarily. The power they have taken away from us, over the past 20 months, they will never give…

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Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “The Swiss People Have the Right and the Responsibility to Stand Up for Democracy”

“The Swiss people have the right and the responsibility to stand up for democracy globally, and to send a message of courage, of inspiration to the rest of the world.” Quiet time is over… things are going to get loud tomorrow! Switzerland is at the heart of the battle for democracy, as it is in…