Search Results for: Sonia Elijah

The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke
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The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke

This 6-minute clip from the European Parliament’s three-hour meeting on 27 March with the Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic is a must-see! Robert Roos MEP from the Netherlands has demanded answers from former Big Pharma lobbyist and EMA CEO Emer Cooke on the following areas: Ms Cooke admitted that“most of the data came from…

EMA head grilled over damning data from EU’s 1st Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine safety report at the European Parliament
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EMA head grilled over damning data from EU’s 1st Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine safety report at the European Parliament

On March 27, a 3-hour session held by the ‘Special Committee on COVID-19 pandemic’ took place at the European Parliament. The last memorable session was when Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets- “working at the speed of science”-Janine Smalls (who stood in for company CEO Albert Bourla because he failed to show) faced a grilling from certain MEPs. This…

Medicines and Healthcare products ‘Enabling’ Agency
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Medicines and Healthcare products ‘Enabling’ Agency

On March 5, 2022,  Dame June Raine, Chief Executive of the MHRA proudly spoke of the fact that ‘the MHRA had moved from the watchdog to the enabler’ at a presentation at Somerville College, Oxford. Just when you thought it wasn’t possible for the pharmaceutically funded, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, to further expose…

What the Leaked EMA Emails & Docs Reveal: Major Concerns with Pfizer C-19 Vaccine Batch Integrity and The Race to Authorize
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What the Leaked EMA Emails & Docs Reveal: Major Concerns with Pfizer C-19 Vaccine Batch Integrity and The Race to Authorize

Our recent article by Meryl Nass, MD on the fastest vaccine roll out in world history detailing the approval procedure for the new mRNA ‘vaccines’, highlights the incomprehensible ignorance of how the health authorities function today. At the same time, the European Parliament Special Committee on COVID-19 pandemic had the opportunity to pose questions to…

France’s “Pfizer amendment” could turn mRNA critics into criminals
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France’s “Pfizer amendment” could turn mRNA critics into criminals

On Wednesday, February 14th a highly controversial law was pushed through the National Assembly in France, potentially turning a critic of mRNA treatment into a criminal. The draconian law, which was quietly passed with virtually no debate, could throw anyone who advises against the use of therapeutic or prophylactic treatment (including experimental mRNA gene therapy)…

EMA’s latest bombshell instalment of damning data confirms their failure: PSUR #3, the pregnancy and lactation cases
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EMA’s latest bombshell instalment of damning data confirms their failure: PSUR #3, the pregnancy and lactation cases

Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request, the EU’s Periodic Safety Update Report #3 (PSUR #3), covering the 6-month period of 19 December 2021 through to 18 June 2022, recently became available on the Austrian Politics and Science blog, tkp.  My analysis of PSUR #1 was published in Children’s Health Defense Europe, which covered…

EMA’s failure to pull COVID 19 jabs even though risk-benefit balance nullified
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EMA’s failure to pull COVID 19 jabs even though risk-benefit balance nullified

EU safety report on Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine reveals damning data It is high time to hold the EMA and the EU Commission and their complicit partners – starting with WHO and FDA, CDC – accountable for their dereliction of duty in failing to protect public health by ignoring the glaring safety signals and standing by…