Soros wants to control the second largest radio network in the USA
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Soros wants to control the second largest radio network in the USA

Source:, Heinz Steiner Whoever controls the media also controls the narrative. Globalist billionaire George Soros is well aware of this – and wants to buy into the second largest radio network in the United States. Another left-liberal propaganda machine is underway Just a few months before the presidential and congressional elections in the United…

CHD’s Brian Hooker to Join Panel of Experts on COVID Cover-Up
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CHD’s Brian Hooker to Join Panel of Experts on COVID Cover-Up

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., Children’s Health Defense senior director of science and research, will join other scientists in Washington, D.C., on Monday, Feb. 26 at 9 a.m. EST in a roundtable discussion hosted by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) senior director of science and research, will participate in a COVID-19…

France Could Make It a Crime to Criticize Government-Approved Medical Treatments
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France Could Make It a Crime to Criticize Government-Approved Medical Treatments

A controversial French bill that passed its first legislative hurdle would punish, with fines and jail time, any “provocation” to abstain from medical treatments like vaccines. Experts warn the “vague” law threatens free speech and the patient-doctor relationship. A controversial proposed bill in France that seeks to outlaw criticism of medical interventions such as mRNA…

WHO Exhibiting Signs of ‘Desperation’ as New Zealand, Iran Reject Amendments to International Health Regulations
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WHO Exhibiting Signs of ‘Desperation’ as New Zealand, Iran Reject Amendments to International Health Regulations

Originally published by : The Defender, Feb 13, 2024 New Zealand and up to three other countries have rejected controversial amendments, proposed in 2022 by the Biden administration to the World Health Organization’s 2005 International Health Regulations. Editor’s note: After we published this article, Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst informed The Defender that the Netherlands made a “reservation” against…

France’s “Pfizer amendment” could turn mRNA critics into criminals
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France’s “Pfizer amendment” could turn mRNA critics into criminals

On Wednesday, February 14th a highly controversial law was pushed through the National Assembly in France, potentially turning a critic of mRNA treatment into a criminal. The draconian law, which was quietly passed with virtually no debate, could throw anyone who advises against the use of therapeutic or prophylactic treatment (including experimental mRNA gene therapy)…

Leading by Example: Principality of Liechtenstein Takes a Critical Look at the WHO Agreement
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Leading by Example: Principality of Liechtenstein Takes a Critical Look at the WHO Agreement

While criticism of the WHO pandemic treaty and the changes to the International Health Regulations are hardly being heard in my country, the Principality of Liechtenstein is setting a good example: None other than Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein was present at a lecture by Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse on 7th February. Several members of…

How Much Could the Farmer Protests Cost Europe’s Economy?
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How Much Could the Farmer Protests Cost Europe’s Economy?

Originally published on 2 Feb 2024 Euronews reported: In order to put the current protests taking place across Europe into context, it is important to understand where it all started. The history of the current protests can be traced back to the Green Deal (2019) which involved significant alterations to achieve climate neutrality. The purpose…

Protesting Farmers Win Big Concessions, But EU Leaders Dig in Their Heels on Net Zero Climate Target
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Protesting Farmers Win Big Concessions, But EU Leaders Dig in Their Heels on Net Zero Climate Target

After the farmer protests in Brussels last week, European Commission leaders announced concessions to lighten the burden of greenhouse gas reductions on growers, but held the course with plans to cut 90% of emissions by 2040. Following the protests in Brussels last week by farmers from across the European Union (EU), the European Commission offered some concessions…

Letter from India: Stop World Health Organization’s ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ Tyranny
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Letter from India: Stop World Health Organization’s ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ Tyranny

The global pandemic preparedness accord (‘pandemic treaty’) currently being put in place by the World Health Organization (WHO) will pave the way for “a fascist approach to societal management.” The beneficiaries will be unscrupulous corporations and investors whom the COVID‐19 response served well. This will result in the loss of human rights and individual freedom….

Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty?
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Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty?

The Director General (DG) of the World Health Organization (WHO) states:  No country will cede any sovereignty to WHO, referring to the WHO’s new pandemic agreement and proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), currently being negotiated. His statements are clear and unequivocal, and wholly inconsistent with the texts he is referring to. A…