Unfazed by 140+ Lawsuits, Merck to Test Single-Dose HPV Vaccine
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Unfazed by 140+ Lawsuits, Merck to Test Single-Dose HPV Vaccine

Merck today announced two new initiatives for growing the global market for its human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccines. The initiatives include the pharmaceutical giant’s first single-dose HPV shots plus multivalent HPV vaccines designed specifically for Asian and African populations. Pharmaceutical giant Merck today announced two new initiatives for growing the global market for its human papillomavirus (HPV)…

New Law Would Make COVID Vaccine Makers Liable for Injuries, Deaths
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New Law Would Make COVID Vaccine Makers Liable for Injuries, Deaths

Children’s Health Defense is among the organizations that support a bill introduced Tuesday by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) that would remove the liability shield for manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines and open the door for vaccine-injured Americans to sue companies like Pfizer and Moderna. Originally published on 06 March 2024, The Defender, Michael Nevradakis PH.D. Rep….

AI-Powered Headsets for Kids With Autism: A Promising Therapy — or a Risky Gamble?
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AI-Powered Headsets for Kids With Autism: A Promising Therapy — or a Risky Gamble?

Neurofeedback headsets that use artificial intelligence may help kids with autism and ADHD regulate brain activity. But critics say the technology may normalize surveillance and increase kids’ exposure to harmful wireless radiation. Originally published on 08 Mar 2024, The Defender, Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. Kids with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism could benefit from wearing a…

50 Years of Fraud: Big Oil, Plastics Industry Lied About Recycling, Documents Reveal
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50 Years of Fraud: Big Oil, Plastics Industry Lied About Recycling, Documents Reveal

Originally published on 26 Feb 2024 by The The New Lede, author Dana Drugmand Newly unearthed internal records reveal fossil fuel companies and the plastics industry peddled the myth of viable plastic recycling for over 50 years, despite privately acknowledging that existing recycling methods were inadequate, according to a new report from the Center for…

Opposition to Vaccination Among Parents Grows, Poll Suggests + More
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Opposition to Vaccination Among Parents Grows, Poll Suggests + More

The Defender’s Big Pharma Watch delivers the latest headlines related to pharmaceutical companies and their products, including vaccines, drugs, and medical devices and treatments. The views expressed in the below excerpts from other news sources do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender. Our goal is to provide readers with breaking news that affects…

Exclusive: Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes
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Exclusive: Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes

In an interview with The Defender, Marcia Haller detailed how her life dramatically changed when a cell tower 900 feet from her home was “upgraded.” Haller notified the telecom companies operating the tower that she plans to sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act. In 2007, Marcia and Jason Haller — high school sweethearts who…

Watch: Lab-altered Mosquitoes: ‘Coming to Your Town Next?’
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Watch: Lab-altered Mosquitoes: ‘Coming to Your Town Next?’

Tina Lia, president and founder of Hawaii Unites, joined “The Defender In-Depth” podcast this week to discuss the plan in Hawaii to release up to 775,992,000 lab-altered, bacteria-infected mosquitoes on Maui every week for the next 20 years. Advocates for a program that will release up to 775,992,000 lab-altered, bacteria-infected mosquitoes in Maui every week for the…

The Real Dr. Paul Offit Is Back!
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The Real Dr. Paul Offit Is Back!

During COVID-19, Dr. Paul Offit momentarily became something of a skeptic, telling media outlets he wouldn’t get a COVID-19 booster and wouldn’t recommend it. Now, he’s back to recommending the vaccines for infants as young as 6 months old. Dr. Paul Offit is a familiar figure to most Defender readers — he’s been pushing vaccines for…

WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines
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WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum wrapped up this week with calls for digital IDs, rapid development of new vaccines, more partnerships with corporate media outlets like The New York Times, and widespread acceptance and proliferation of artificial intelligence in all areas of society, including healthcare and education. The threat of a new pandemic and…

Exclusive: Author of ‘Controligarchs’ Exposes ‘Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life’
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Exclusive: Author of ‘Controligarchs’ Exposes ‘Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life’

In his new book, “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life,” author Seamus Bruner reveals the long history of eugenicists, technocrats and social engineers who use their fortunes to enrich themselves while promoting an undemocratic and dystopian future for the rest of us. In his new…