TAKE ACTION — Green Pass: Call Those Who Are Pushing It To Wake Them Up!
Here is everything you need for you to lobby your legislator. This file will allow you to search all the Members of the European Parliament by country, expert committee, and you can even find if they voted for or against the accelerated procedure of the Green Pass. Click on any name and will can also find their phone details if you scroll at the end of their profile page.
MEPs Contact details
Click here to download the dynamic List of MEPs. By clicking on each name, you will be redirect to the European Parliament website page dedicated to the MEP where you will find the direct telephone number for each one.
Try this list of MEPs on social media, such as their Facebook & Twitter accounts as well. Make yourself known and follow them. Twitter is a powerful way to reach legislators in real-time.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and CHD Europe wrote to MEPs on the dangers of the Proposal for a European vaccine card.
You can also read the legal analysis on the Green pass here.
Make your voice heard, a voice for the children of Europe! Let our leaders know what we want: good health and freedom.