Tomorrow she will be taken away: German court sentences Holocaust survivor (85) to forced vaccination

The facts of the case seem unbelievable, because Germany has probably really learned nothing at all from history. Confidants of a Ukrainian-born composer, famous in her homeland, turned to Report24. A court in Stuttgart has decided on a year of forced confinement in a closed psychiatric ward for the woman. The older lady is to be “vaccinated against Covid-19” twice – also with the use of force. An exclusive video shows: She is neither insane nor a danger to herself or others. She is simply afraid for her life.
Her name is Inna Zhvanetskaya. She was born on January 20, 1937 in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. As a Jew, she is one of the survivors of the Holocaust. Until she was eight years old, she and her family lived with the threat that they would be picked up, deported and possibly murdered. She was planning on celebrating her 86th birthday in 10 days in her adopted country, Germany. A country she loves even more than her homeland, as she stated in an interview. She was considered a musical celebrity beyond the borders of her later homeland, Russia. The Cambridge Biographical Centre (UK) honored her as Woman of the Year in 1992.
But in Germany, the very country she held so dear, a court order was issued for the forced opening of her apartment and her removal by force. She is to be brought before a doctor by who will forcefully “vaccinate her twice against Covid-19”. After that, they want to send her to a closed psychiatric institution: without people who speak her mother tongue Russian and without her music, which enables her to think clearly.
What does that do to a woman who survived the Second World War? We asked the Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt District Court this question and have not received a satisfactory answer to it; those responsible seem not to care about her well-being. The ordered measures are justified with the paragraphs 1906 and 1906a BGB. The problem with this is that there is no medical or legal justification for compulsory vaccination in light of the fact that the pandemic has officially ended. Everything smells of arbitrariness and bending of the law.

Translation of the above picture:
The placement of the person concerned by the guardian in the closed ward of a
psychiatric hospital or in a closed ward of a nursing facility is approved until 05.12.2024 at the latest.The consent of the guardian to the following compulsory medical measure Vaccination against Covid19 (Corona) by two vaccinations for basic immunization each after an internal examination of the vaccination ability is approved until 16.01.2023 at the latest.
The above-mentioned measure is to be carried out and documented under the responsibility of a physician.

Translation of the above picture:
If the competent guardianship authority cooperates in the process of bringing the person concerned to accommodation specified, it may, if necessary, use force and call in the assistance of the police enforcement authorities.
The home of the person concerned may be forcibly opened, entered and searched for the purpose of carrying out the procedure.
The immediate effectiveness of the decision is ordered.
The following video was recorded by Ms. Zhvanetskaya for Report24. We expressly asked for it so that people can see how people are treated here on German soil. She must not be a number among many, hidden in a home and forgotten, she is a living human being with all human and basic rights that we are all entitled to. Inna Zhvanetskaya asks to be left her music, her dignity and her peace. Without music she would have to die. Knowing her life story, this statement is probably nothing but the truth.
The scandalous decision refers to a medical report that we have already shown to other medical experts. These medical experts describe that this medical report written was with malicious intent, and that a neutral party would have expected a completely different person. Furthermore, these experts indicate that a slight dementia could be developed at that age, but the other two points are not applicable in this case. Regarding this scandalous decision, it would be difficult to not start speculating that there are “financial interests” of third parties hidden in the background. Particularly malicious are the remarks that the woman suffers from narcissistic self-image, ego-centrism, and logorhea (a rarely used medical term that indicates abnormal or pathological talkativeness). This is contrasted by the almost humble demeanor in the video – given that she is indeed, a famous composer, she is allowed to be a little proud of her life achievements. Even the statement that she suffers of “morbid obesity” seems to be false according to the available images.

Translation of above text in picture:
According to the current opinion of the expert, dated 09 09 2022 , the person concerned suffers from a mental illness or mental/emotional impairment:
– dementia with frontotemporal features (ICD-10 N F02 01)
– an organic change of character (ICD-10 N FO7 0)
– organic delusional disorder (ICO-10 No F06.2)
and there is a narcisstic self-image, ego-centrism and logorhea.
She also suffers from various underlying internal diseases: cardiac disease and
morbid obesity.
Medical justification of the judicial decision.
Inna Zhvanetskaya discovered her love for music at an early age. She had the opportunity to study in Moscow, and met Dmitri Shostakovich there. She became a member of the Union of Composers of the USSR and spent her life almost exclusively with music. For 22 years she taught at the Institute of Composition and Instrumentation. She married a brilliant scientist, student of Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov. Mrs. Zhvanetskaya has no children to take care of her and fight for her rights – her legacy is her compositions.
She created numerous works, even for more unusual instruments such as double bass, tuba, and trombone. She wrote at least two operas and numerous compositions for; voice, symphonic works, and sonatas based on literature. Ms. Zhvanetskaya lived in Germany with her parents shortly after the end of the war, and later returned. To a sculptor friend she wrote: “In Germany, I fell in love with Russia even more. Is that possible?“
Inna tells about her life in Germany: “When I have a roof over my head and out my window I see sky and trees, I don’t need much,” and she is not insincere in this. However, in my opinion, she deliberately suppresses an important loss. In Moscow, she was surrounded by high-profile professionals – teachers, fellow composers, musicians and musicologists. They came to meetings of the Section of Chamber and Symphonic Music in the Union of Composers, where her music was performed. Among them: Alexander Georgievich Chugaev, Genrikh Ilyich Litinsky, Boris Tchaikovsky, Mechislav Weinberg, Alexander Vustin, Inna Iglitskaya, and Alfred Schnittke. Once the famous Shostakovich himself heard her work. She is also proud of her friendship with Sofia Gubaidulna. All of them are outstanding personalities.
In Stuttgart, Inna Zhvanetskaya is deprived of this type of musically enriched environment. Some artists are not able adapt to everyday life, and appear not from this world at all. Inna Zhvanetskaya is such a person. As a selfless person who is childishly naive, she believes that the world should welcome her with open arms, but sometimes she experiences encounters indifference. But the composer needs kind and even more public support. Who will print and publish the music? Who will recommend her works to performers? She has no manager to produce it.
From an artist’s portrait, automatically translated from Russian
We do not know what drove the court in Stuttgart to issue this order, which Ms. Zhvanetskaya thinks means her death. It was apparently ordered by her professional guardian. This is also remarkable, because the Association of Professional Caregivers clearly takes a stand against forced vaccinations. Since the pandemic in Germany has been declared over and the occupation-related vaccination obligation has ended, there is no legal basis for such a drastic measure now.
Ms. Zhvanetskaya speaks sufficient German to cope with the simple things in life, but not enough to defend herself sufficiently against the events that could end her freedom and her life. It is highly doubtful whether a competent interpreter was always available during examinations and official talks, or whether the expert involved spoke Russian. The complete indifference of the court is also shown by an incorrect age statement on the decision, which shows 1939 as the year of birth, although Russian and German passports and ID cards clearly prove 1937. Allegedly, she could even be accused of not being able to remember her birthday correctly due to this error made by officials.

Photos from of Inna Zhvanetskaya’s room and her piano.
The state guardian has informed Ms. Zhvanetskaya, as far as we know, that she will be picked up tomorrow, January 11, 2023, and presumably will be forcibly vaccinated. This is scandalous, as the legality can be questioned. Even though she has legally objected to the decision, the state is going to go ahead with the procedure against her will.
Should something happen to the woman, those responsible should know from now on:
These actions did not happen behind closed doors, we will report about it regardless of the consequences.
According to an unverified source Inna is on the run, see:
Originally translated and published by Children’s Health Defense Europe: Jan 11, 2022
English translation amended by Children’s Health Defense Europe: Jan 12, 2022
Entry Inna Abramovna Zhvanetskaia on the international Wikipedia.
The entire judicial decision on Telegram.
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