Watch “Medical Racism: The New Apartheid”
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Watch “Medical Racism: The New Apartheid”

Exposing the Truth Behind Systemic Racism in Medicine From post-Civil War era and the Tuskegee Experiment to the present, explore the medical experimentation on Blacks in this unprecedented journey to unearth the truth. Watch The New Documentary NOW Where there is a risk, there should be a choice This powerful documentary will show you: That…

Vera Sharav Holocaust Survivor: “We are at an important crossroads. Either society will make it through and survive, or it won’t” (Part 2)
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Vera Sharav Holocaust Survivor: “We are at an important crossroads. Either society will make it through and survive, or it won’t” (Part 2)

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav has long campaigned for human rights in the context of medical experiments. She is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection. There she advocates for people who participate in medical experiments against their will or without their knowledge. One such experiment is the vaccination against the SARS-COV2…

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Wake-Up Call With Pots and Pans From Denmark (Are You Being Told The Truth? Video)

Members of the World Freedom Alliance were greeted by the fire of ‘pots and pans’ of the demonstrators in Copenhagen.  Mrs. Senta Depuydt who represents Children’s Health Defense in Europe joined prominent freedom fighters from  Europe for an international wake-up call against totalitarian measures taken by governments. Mr. Mads Palsvig a former investment banker and…

Does the Pandemic Serve a Global Agenda and a Global Financial Agenda? Catherine Austin Fitts with Senta Depuydt
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Does the Pandemic Serve a Global Agenda and a Global Financial Agenda? Catherine Austin Fitts with Senta Depuydt

Catherine Austin Fitts, Economist and President of The Solari Time: 1’ – 8’ / Introduction Articles from Senta Depuydt on Children Health Defense:Does The Coronavirus Pandemic Serve A Global Agenda?What Really Happened In Berlin? CHD’s Senta Depuydt Was There —- Time: from 8’50 / CAF about the Corporate Media  —- Time: 15:50 / The…

August 2020 Berlin rally for Freedom
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29/8/2020 How Many People in Berlin? (Germany)

Following the ‘End of Corona’ party on the 1st of August 2020 which brought together an estimated 800 000 according to the organizers or 3000 to 17 000 according to mainstream media, a new edition was held on August 29th, inviting all Europeans to meet at the Siegeseule, (the column of victory in the central…

video Coordination Sante Libre Appel du 9 Janvier 2021
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Hope for change in health management thanks to the coordination of thousands of doctors, scientists and independent elected representatives (France)

The movement Coordination Santé /Libre in France, which brings together the Collectives of doctors, caregivers and scientists who do not share the current health management of the French government, was officially announced in Paris on Saturday January 09, 2021. It aims to defend patients and their doctors, as well as public freedoms, in particular the…

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‘Women for Liberty’ Demonstrate and Dive in the Ocean for A Year of ‘Naked Truth’ (Netherlands)

On the third of January 2021, the Dutch group of Vrouwen voor Vrijheid (Women for Liberty) held their third demonstration in the beautiful city of Haarlem in The Netherlands. Around 3000 visitors enjoyed an inspiring podium. The theme of the manifestation was ‘Met de billen bloot’, meaning going for the ‘Naked Truth‘. With a wink…

Pandemic law, untested ‘Cov*d-19 genoccin’ and change in the Constitution, what is going on in Sweden?
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Pandemic law, untested ‘Cov*d-19 genoccin’ and change in the Constitution, what is going on in Sweden?

SWEDEN, so far out of lockdowns, is under the threat of a tough new ‘pandemic law’ which will give stronger lockdown powers to the government. The government presented a temporary new ‘pandemic law’ on Monday, December 28 which, if passed by parliament during an exceptional and rushed meeting, would come into effect on 10th January…

August 2020: Flashback on the Berlin Freedom Rally, One Million Strong!
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August 2020: Flashback on the Berlin Freedom Rally, One Million Strong!

The German media are reporting 38,000 people in attendance on August 29 in Berlin while YouTubers claim one million or more. Not a word is being mentioned about Robert Kennedy’s presence at the event on official networks even as the historic speech of the former U.S. president’s nephew floods social media. Never has the gap…

An International Message of Hope for Humanity From RFK, Jr.

An International Message of Hope for Humanity From RFK, Jr.

This past weekend, Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) board chair Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sent a message to the people around the world who realize they are watching their freedoms be taken away one after the other. Spoken in solidarity with citizens who participated in rallies in at least 15 countries to protest the global movement…