WHO Plans More ‘Health Promoting Schools’ — Critics Say More Vaccines, Less Parental Control Are Fueling the Plan
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WHO Plans More ‘Health Promoting Schools’ — Critics Say More Vaccines, Less Parental Control Are Fueling the Plan

The WHO is expanding its “Making Every School a Health Promoting School” initiative. Critics say the move is an attempt to bypass parental consent and expand vaccination, data collection and surveillance. The World Health Organization (WHO) is expanding its “health promoting schools” initiative worldwide, citing flagging vaccination rates and the need to provide medical services…

Why Did Journal Retract Study Showing COVID Vaccines May Cause Cancer? Emails Raise New Questions
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Why Did Journal Retract Study Showing COVID Vaccines May Cause Cancer? Emails Raise New Questions

An NIH scientist with ties to pharma and the Wuhan Institute of Virology oversaw the retraction of a 2021 peer-reviewed study linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer risk, especially for women, according to emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. A recent investigation by Australian journalist Rebekah Barnett suggests politics and financial interests, not scientific…

Vaccinated COVID Patients Died at Nearly Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated, Study Finds
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Vaccinated COVID Patients Died at Nearly Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated, Study Finds

A two-and-a-half-year peer-reviewed study by Ohio State University researchers found that among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, those who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines had a significantly higher mortality rate than unvaccinated patients, even when accounting for age and comorbidities. Published in The Defender June 4, 2024 Hospitalized COVID-19 patients who were vaccinated against the virus died at…

Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants
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Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants

Several girls who participated in the HPV vaccine trials, including some in the placebo group, suffered chronic disabling symptoms, raising questions about the toxic effects of the adjuvant, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. Merck’s Gardasil clinical trials in Denmark violated medical ethics by needlessly…

The Swiss will vote on the right to physical integrity on June 9th, 2024
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The Swiss will vote on the right to physical integrity on June 9th, 2024

The initiative and the voting recommendation made by the authorities both raise a very old philosophical question. Source: Essentiel News, originally published on March 28th, 2024 The Swiss government recently announced that the Swiss electorate will vote on 9 June on the popular initiative “For freedom and physical integrity”, which is essentially opposed to compulsory…

Hundreds of accounts of adverse reactions among the French
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Hundreds of accounts of adverse reactions among the French

Source: Essentiel.news, originally published May 22nd, 2024, updated May 30th, 2024 Victims of the Covid-19 Vaccine The French website ‘Victimes Vaccins Covid-19’ (VVC-19), launched last year to help victims of the jab and to publish their testimonials, is becoming a leading site. The website’s primary objective is to gather testimonies from victims of the jab….

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Researchers from The Netherlands point out COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame Source: Sonia Elijah investigates, Sonia Elijah, June 4th, 2024 Source: Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022 A bombshell study was recently published in BMJ Public Health…

After three years of mRNA vaccination campaign, “explosive” increase in people in need of care
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After three years of mRNA vaccination campaign, “explosive” increase in people in need of care

Could it also have something to do with the oh-so-safe, tested and effective vaccination, which was touted by politicians and the pharmaceutical industry as being free of side effects? There were even media reports that long-term effects could be completely ruled out. Now the number of nursing cases in Germany “suddenly explodes”. Instead of 50,000…

The madness continues: Why mRNA vaccines are toxic
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The madness continues: Why mRNA vaccines are toxic

The book “Why mRNA vaccines are toxic” is now also available in German. It not only offers an insight into the basic mechanisms of mRNA technology, but also provides a well-founded explanation of why it is “toxic”. Source: TKP.at, Dr Dietmar Kapelka, June 3rd, 2024 On May 31st, 2024, Moderna announced that its mRNA vaccine…

Did the WHO cheat the “pandemic treaty” through the back door?
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Did the WHO cheat the “pandemic treaty” through the back door?

The “Aktionsbündnis Freie Schweiz” argues that the adoption of the revised “International Health Regulations” in Geneva late at night on June 1st, 2024 is far more serious than it seems at first glance. Source: TKP.at, Assoc. Prof. DR. Stephan Sander-Faes, 03 June 2024 Thanks to the tireless efforts of James Roguski – whose “Substack” is…