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Call to European Parents : Join EU action to withdraw authorisation of Pfizer Covid Injection For Children 12+

Deadline: September 15th 2021 Action: join as intervenor in the legal action to annul EU license of Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine for children aged 12 years and over  Conditions for Application:  parent of a child in the European Union  Costs: no fees to apply Details of case and form for application: see at the end of this…

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Covid-19 Injections Dangerous For Mothers and Babies, Building Up in Ovaries And Attacking The Placenta, According To Former Chief Scientist of Pfizer R&D

Dr. Michael YEADON BSc was Formerly Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer Allergy & Respiratory at Pfizer Global R&D. In Jan. 2020 Dr. Mike Yeadon already co-authored a letter with Prof. Wolfgang Wodarg to warn the EMA of the dangers in the new technology used in Covid 19 vaccines and ask clinical trials be stopped…

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Prayers for the Fertility of Women At Lake Constance Where 3 Nations Meet

Catherine Austin Fitts has kindly attracted our attention to this very special celebration in the heart of Europe. We could not resist sharing her post about this touching gathering of souls so much aligned with the intent of this letter. In several days, on August 15th, many people celebrate the Assumption of Mary. This day…

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Protect Children and Pregnant Women, Protect life!

Dear mothers, dear daughters, dear fathers, dear sons, In many European countries, 15 August is a holiday dedicated to the celebration of the Madonna. She embodies the power and radiance of the mother, the woman who gives and protects life.  Look at the image of the Virgin Mary crushing the head of a snake coiled…

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Dr. Ryan N. Cole, Pathologist Shows Vaccine Damage Is Visible in All Human Tissues And Organs

Board-certified pathologist, Dr. Ryan N. Cole MD spoke at the White Coat Summit about the catastrophic damage COVID vaccines are doing on humans and warning of the toxic spike protein and the potential long-term effects of vaccines. Watch the video here. The first autopsies are only being done after 11000 death reports? “You want to…


Fake News and Translations: How To Make A Difference In The Chaos of (True or False) Information

For the last two years, many friends and supporters have forwarded me messages in various languages asking me ‘Hi, is this true?’. Generally, the title sounds like a scoop, a huge claim, the promise of news that would make an immediate change in the situation. I’m sure that everyone has read some of the following…


Announcing The Defender Newsletter in 5 Languages

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) will now publish The Defender weekly newsletter in four additional languages. The Defender, which publishes a daily newsletter plus a weekly roundup of top news stories in English, will now also publish the weekly roundup in Spanish, French, German and Italian. With the expansion of the newsletter to four additional languages,…

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D4CE Emergency Symposium with Highly Acclaimed International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists Calling for Immediate Interventions in the Current Crisis

The event was a huge success. So far the event has attracted over 500,000 views, surpassing mainstream media levels, and breaking all viewership records for the host platform, UK Column. Watch edited replays of the four symposium sessions here. In session 1 with the doctors and scientists, we had a clear explanation from a PCR…

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Action Alert for European Employees: Join EU Legal Action To Annul J&J/Janssen Vaccine Authorisation

Attorney Renate Holzeisen has filed a case on behalf of Italian health workers who are fighting the mandatory vaccination order recently passed in Italy. The case seeks to annul the conditional marketing authorisations that have been issued in the EU for the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines. While the plaintiffs in this case are Italian…

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Renate Holzeisen: “Covid Vaccines Violate European Legislation”

Senta Depuydt: [00:00:02] Hi everyone, I’m Senta Depuydt from CHD Europe, and today I’m with Renate Holzeisen, who I consider the number one lawyer litigating Covid vaccines issues at the level of the European institutions. Renate is with me for two very important legal actions against the European Commission, and we will ask people from…