“Wanted” by German prosecutors after speaking truth to power – Vera Sharav, Survivor of the Shoa
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“Wanted” by German prosecutors after speaking truth to power – Vera Sharav, Survivor of the Shoa

Legal Shenanigans: Nuremberg Prosecutors suspend investigation „for the time being“, only to put Holocaust Survivor on the „Wanted for questioning“ list – essentially making her a suspect. The legal travesty continues. 15 month after delivering a powerful speech condemming medical experimentation without informed consent and warning of a resurgence of totalitarianism and genocidal policies 75…

Centralizing Information Control! Inside the EU’s Latest Proposal to Censor the Media
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Centralizing Information Control! Inside the EU’s Latest Proposal to Censor the Media

The European Commission proposed a new law seeking to centralize the EU media sector into a single market overseen by the Commission and national regulatory authorities through a new European Board for Media Services. The European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), proposed by the Commission on Sept. 16, 2022, is portrayed as an effort to promote…

The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?
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The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?

At around 5:45 in the evening on Tuesday May 23, Judge Malte Grundmann entered the courtroom at Amtsgericht Plön to deliver his decision in the case of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. Following nine hours of deliberations, testimony and final arguments, all who were present in the gallery stood up eagerly awaiting the outcome to be read…

WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governments
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WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governments

WHO’s governing body has signed off on a draft resolution on the use of behavioural sciences in health policy. A pamphlet issued by the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear what it is really about: extensive manipulation of public opinion n the interests of a world authority that believes itself to be in possession of scientific truth….

WHO Pandemic Treaty Is ‘An Assault on Our Freedoms’: MP
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WHO Pandemic Treaty Is ‘An Assault on Our Freedoms’: MP

A British MP has warned that a proposed Word Health Organisation (WHO) treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness represents “an assault on our freedoms” and would create a “vast public health surveillance mechanism.” On Monday, MPs debated whether the government should hold a referendum on the UK’s involvement in the WHO pandemic treaty (pdf). The debate was prompted…

Corruption – a pandemic emergency of international concern
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Corruption – a pandemic emergency of international concern

A community is stronger and more resilient the more its members can see and understand what is being decided. There must be transparency – and it must be used. Today, corruption is often institutionalised and thus legalised and can hardly be brought to court. This is where the sovereign, the people themselves, are called upon…

An important message from lawyer Holger Fischer on the case of Inna Zhvanetskaya
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An important message from lawyer Holger Fischer on the case of Inna Zhvanetskaya

Take these four minutes of your time! The well-known “maverick lawyer” Holger Fischer, who has taken a lot of personal risk to stand up for fundamental and human rights since the beginning of the Corona crisis, is the legal representative of Inna Zhvanetskaya. In his video message, he points out that this is not an…

WATCH Highlights of The Northern Light Convention (Malmö, Sweden)
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WATCH Highlights of The Northern Light Convention (Malmö, Sweden)

Whilst the train towards globalist control and transhumanism seems to be accelerating, the Northern Light Convention has assembled, for the first time, activists, scientists, politicians, lawyers and economists who have been fighting this narrative in full force and offered solutions moving forward. After two years of progressing infringements on fundamental Human Rights and Civil Liberties,…

WHO Renews Push for Global Pandemic Treaty, as World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund for Vaccine Passports
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WHO Renews Push for Global Pandemic Treaty, as World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund for Vaccine Passports

While the World Health Organization pushes ahead with plans to enact a new or revised international pandemic preparedness treaty, the World Bank and other organizations are advancing new vaccine passport regimes. The World Health Organization (WHO) is moving ahead with plans to enact a new or revised international pandemic preparedness treaty, despite encountering setbacks earlier this summer…

INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy
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INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Democracy at Threat by WHO’s Centralization of Power — International Alliance for Justice and Democracy

Geneva, Switzerland – May 28, the International Alliance for Justice and Democracy will host a press conference entitled “Democracy at Threat by WHO’s [World Health Organization] Centralization of Power” at the Geneva Press Club to address WHO’s ambiguous procedures following their 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting. The press conference aims to bring full transparency to legal matters…