European Lawyer Warns MEPs: “the Digital Green Certificate” Marks The End of the Originally Wonderful “European Community” Project.

European Lawyer Warns MEPs: “the Digital Green Certificate” Marks The End of the Originally Wonderful “European Community” Project.

In a common letter to the Members of the European Parliament, DDr. Renate Holseizen asked every MEP to investigate and explore the “very serious issue for the health of every European Union citizen” before their vote on the “digital green certificate” this week. “I consider [the green digital certificate] a breach of the most fundamental…

“The Green  Digital Certificate, Financial Coup  And Global Agenda In The EU” ITW of Catherine Austin Fitts & Valerie Bugault by Senta Depuydt
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“The Green  Digital Certificate, Financial Coup And Global Agenda In The EU” ITW of Catherine Austin Fitts & Valerie Bugault by Senta Depuydt

While the question if the pandemic would serve a global agenda was considered heretic and conspirationist only a year ago, it is now openly discussed as ‘a wonderful opportunity’ for a ‘great reset’ led by a joint effort of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.  This reset also called ‘the 4th industrial revolution’…

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Doctors4CovidEthics Send Notices of Liability To Every MEP “You May Be Personally Liable for Harm and Death Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines””

On April 20, 2021, ahead of the April 28 vote on EU vaccine passports (the ‘Digital Green Certificate’), Doctors4CovidEthics sent notices of liability for vaccine harms and deaths  to all Members of the European Parliament. This rather surprising and unusual initiative comes as a very strong statement from doctors and scientists who are desperate to…

Green Pass in Europe An Attempt To Take Control Over Citizens And Member States #FreedomNeedsNoPass#HealthNeedsNoPass

Green Pass in Europe An Attempt To Take Control Over Citizens And Member States #FreedomNeedsNoPass#HealthNeedsNoPass

” Hi I’m Senta Depuydt and I represent CHD Europe and I’d like to share some insights on what’s happening in the EU right now. Our organization is currently calling the European Parliament as well as national elected officials to reject the proposal of the Green Digital Certificate. This pass would be used to cross…

Manon Aubry, MEP: “The Health Certificate Is “A Gimmick” That “Masks The Fiasco Of The Vaccination Strategy At European Level”

Manon Aubry, MEP: “The Health Certificate Is “A Gimmick” That “Masks The Fiasco Of The Vaccination Strategy At European Level”

EU vaccines commissioner Thierry Breton announced on Sunday that the “health certificate” for travelling in Europe would be available by “mid-June”. The “health certificate”, validated by the 27 EU Member States, will be available in “two to three months”, “in mid-June”, said on Sunday 28 March the commissioner in charge of vaccines in the European…

BREAKING: Sensational verdict from Weimar: no masks, no distance, no more tests for pupils (Germany)
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BREAKING: Sensational verdict from Weimar: no masks, no distance, no more tests for pupils (Germany)

On 8 April 2021, the Weimar Family Court ruled in summary proceedings (Ref.: 9 F 148/21) that two Weimar schools are prohibited with immediate effect from requiring pupils to wear mouth-nose coverings of any kind (especially qualified masks such as FFP2 masks), to comply with AHA minimum distances and/or to take part in SARS-CoV-2 rapid…

Israel: Why Is All-Cause Mortality Increasing since Mid-February?

Israel: Why Is All-Cause Mortality Increasing since Mid-February?

On April 1, Israeli data was removed from Euromomo. By early March, Israel had vaccinated about 90% of its 65+ population and about 50% of its entire population. Covid deaths had been decreasing since the end of January, as expected, although not any faster than in some other countries with a very low vaccination rate,…

“Doctors4CovidEthics”  Accuse EMA of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers
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“Doctors4CovidEthics” Accuse EMA of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

Doctors for Covid Ethics has written two open letters to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 vaccine dangers. In those letters they have insisted upon evidence that risks of clotting, bleeding and platelet abnormalities were appropriately ruled out in legitimate empirical trials prior to human use. The first letter, delivered March 1st, can be found…

Croatian MEP Ivan Vilibor Sincic: “The whole crisis is not so much about health as it is about control and money”
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Croatian MEP Ivan Vilibor Sincic: “The whole crisis is not so much about health as it is about control and money”

Croatian MEP Ivan Vilibor Sincic says the EU has been ‘acting blindly. He questions the European Parliament about the measures and policy followed by the European Union during the Covid-19 crisis.


Italy: First Country in Europe to Introduce Compulsory Vaccination Against Covid19 for All Health Care Staff

DECRETO LEGGE N.44 DEL 1 APRILE 2021 In Italy, on April 1, 2021, a Decree Law came into force that makes the Covid19 vaccination an essential requirement for the exercise of the health profession and for the performance of work in all health, social and health care facilities. An obligation that was introduced with a…