Appeal in Supreme court against Judgment of Covid-19 Passport in Spain
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Appeal in Supreme court against Judgment of Covid-19 Passport in Spain

On August, 1st 2022, an Appeal of cassation against the judgment of the Covid-19 Passport of the Autonomous City of Melilla was filed in the Supreme Court. The association Liberum explains: “we would initiate a series of actions so that the coercion attempts and excessive attacks that most of the Communities of our country have…

A CALL TO OUR HEALTH AGENCIES, GOVERNING BODIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITALY: There is an Urgent Need for Complete Transparency Regarding the Serious Dangers of the mRNA products in use
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A CALL TO OUR HEALTH AGENCIES, GOVERNING BODIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ITALY: There is an Urgent Need for Complete Transparency Regarding the Serious Dangers of the mRNA products in use

Governing Bodies, Health Authorities and Agencies by definition and by law exist to serve and protect public health.  One key responsibility of these agencies is to ensure the proper evaluation and scrutiny of any new medicines before their authorization and approval for general use. This is particularly necessary with entirely new  substances and technologies, such…

Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established (Italy)
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Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccine Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established (Italy)

On July 6th, 2022, the court of Florence has approved a sentence annulling the measure taken by the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany against one of its members, the reason being: ‘the suspension of the exercise of the profession risks compromising primary individual rights such as the right to a livelihood and the right to…

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda WATCH NOW!
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Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda WATCH NOW!

Where there is a risk, there should be a choice. A 29 mins documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. Watch the chilling tale of African women whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental tetanus vaccination program. Are women everywhere next? In this free documentary film, you’ll learn:…

French Attorney Diane Protat Warns of Side Effects of COVID Injections During Air Travel
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French Attorney Diane Protat Warns of Side Effects of COVID Injections During Air Travel

In this interview, French lawyer Diane Protat representing the group Navigants Libres (press release available here), explains their fight in court defending pilots, flight attendants and all flight personnel who have experienced the severe and deadly effects of the Covid -19 vaccine shots and mandates. Due to the life-threatening consequences of not just those commandeering…

#CanWeTalkAboutIt: Let’s Break the Silence about Covid-19 Vaccine Injury and Death
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#CanWeTalkAboutIt: Let’s Break the Silence about Covid-19 Vaccine Injury and Death

CHD Europe is proud to support the #CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign As part of the ongoing mission of Children’s Health Defense, we continuously advocate for transparency and sound science within any vaccination program. The grave side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine in the world’s populations are now too many to be ignored. In CHD’s support of campaigns…