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The madness continues: Why mRNA vaccines are toxic

The book “Why mRNA vaccines are toxic” is now also available in German. It not only offers an insight into the basic mechanisms of mRNA technology, but also provides a well-founded explanation of why it is “toxic”.

Source: TKP.at, Dr Dietmar Kapelka, June 3rd, 2024

On May 31st, 2024, Moderna announced that its mRNA vaccine against RSV (mRESVIA – mRNA-1345) had been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Just in time, the German extended version of “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity” by Michael Palmer has now been published as “Warum mRNA-Impfstoffe giftig sind”.

A medical thriller

We can be infinitely grateful to Michael Palmer and Doctors for Covid-Ethics (D4CE.org) for making this book available to everyone free of charge on D4CE.org as a download in currently 5 languages.

This book, which is also freely available for download here, is an invaluable gift. The aim is to present the dangers of mRNA technology in a comprehensive and generally understandable way. By realizing the basic mechanisms of action, it is possible to deduce the damage potential of all other mRNA products from the experience gained to date from its mass application.

The certainty that this technology harms and even kills must prompt all those who know about it to take action in order to prevent further applications as vigorously as possible.

To this end, it is necessary to acquire the enormous knowledge of the basics of virology and immunology conveyed in this book in order to understand the mode of action of all future mRNA gene injections.

The extremely skilful and lucid presentation of these highly complex relationships is as exciting as a thriller.

Anyone who takes the trouble to devote a few hours to this book will be richly rewarded and will be fully motivated to revitalise the discussions about the new “Vaxgenes”, which have recently fallen asleep. Because then the questioning title: “Why mRNA vaccines are toxic” can also be answered in a well-founded manner.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the fixed authors of Children’s Health Defence Europe. Rights and responsibility for the content lie with the author.

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