WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines
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WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum wrapped up this week with calls for digital IDs, rapid development of new vaccines, more partnerships with corporate media outlets like The New York Times, and widespread acceptance and proliferation of artificial intelligence in all areas of society, including healthcare and education. The threat of a new pandemic and…

Compulsory vaccination forever – WHO adopts digital EU Covid certificate as global standard

Compulsory vaccination forever – WHO adopts digital EU Covid certificate as global standard

In June, the legal basis for the digital EU Covid certificates expires. These allow proof of vaccinations or tests which are required for travel or participation in social activites. The WHO is now adopting this digital infrastructure as a permanent model for global travel. Thus, the requirment for anyone wishing to travel to follow up-to-date…

“Death sentence for millions”: WHO and EU launch new global vaccine passport initiative
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“Death sentence for millions”: WHO and EU launch new global vaccine passport initiative

Technology expert Michael Rectenwald, PhD, told The Defender that a digital passport system under the guise of preserving freedom “means restrictions on movement and living for the unvaccinated and forced vaccination to participate in life.” The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Commission – the executive branch of the European Union (EU) – launched…

Suspended Greek medical worker commits suicide, amidst acquittals, new calls for freedom
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Suspended Greek medical worker commits suicide, amidst acquittals, new calls for freedom

A group of 38 unvaccinated Greek medical workers, who have been suspended from their jobs without pay since 2021 as a result of not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, was acquitted by an Athens court Oct. 19. The workers had been facing charges of “disobedience” and “disrupting traffic,” following their arrest and overnight detention stemming from…

Register Today to Watch ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ a 2-Part Documentary Based on RFK, Jr.’s Runaway Bestseller
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Register Today to Watch ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ a 2-Part Documentary Based on RFK, Jr.’s Runaway Bestseller

“The Real Anthony Fauci,” a full-length feature documentary based on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s runaway bestseller, will be available to watch free — for 10 days only — beginning Oct. 18 at 12:01 a.m. Eastern. “The Real Anthony Fauci,” a full-length, two-part feature documentary based on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s runaway bestseller — “The Real Anthony Fauci:…

Appeal in Supreme court against Judgment of Covid-19 Passport in Spain
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Appeal in Supreme court against Judgment of Covid-19 Passport in Spain

On August, 1st 2022, an Appeal of cassation against the judgment of the Covid-19 Passport of the Autonomous City of Melilla was filed in the Supreme Court. The association Liberum explains: “we would initiate a series of actions so that the coercion attempts and excessive attacks that most of the Communities of our country have…

»The World is run by conspiracies – Let’s start one oursevles«
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»The World is run by conspiracies – Let’s start one oursevles«

In a repeat-visit to Del Bigtree’s show THE HIGHWIRE, former US-Government official and Investment Banker, Catherine Austin Fitts, who today is President of Solari.Inc, an Investment Advisory and Freedom Champion, gave a stunning and illustrative account of what she calls “an insider vs. outsider” game. Fitts was referring to the ongoing takeover of the world…

WHO has contracted Deutsche Telekom to build a global electronic verification of coronavirus (or any) vaccination certificates
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WHO has contracted Deutsche Telekom to build a global electronic verification of coronavirus (or any) vaccination certificates

February 23 2022. While eyes are on Ukraine, WHO has contracted Deutsche Telekom to build a global electronic verification of coronavirus (or any) vaccination certificates. The World Health Organization has signed a contract with Deutsche Telekom (DTEGn.DE) subsidiary T-Systems to build a software solution for global electronic verification of coronavirus vaccination certificates, the telecoms company said. The…

The Truth Shall Set You Free: Watch the 13 Clips from D4CE Symposium III with Highly Acclaimed International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists
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The Truth Shall Set You Free: Watch the 13 Clips from D4CE Symposium III with Highly Acclaimed International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists

‘Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act’ – George Orwell On February 18th, Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE), in co-operation with Children’s Health Defense Europe, held our third symposium, to once again convene experts in fields relevant to COVID-19 science and policy, so that they may share their knowledge and expertise,…

The 11 Forbidden Speeches of International Key Speakers, Brussels January 23 2022
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The 11 Forbidden Speeches of International Key Speakers, Brussels January 23 2022

Brussels, 23 January 2022 – Organizers of the peaceful protest against COVID mandates in Brussels called off the event after police — using tear gas, water cannons and dogs — ordered them to disburse. Key speakers later in the day delivered their forbidden speeches at a restaurant. Catherine Austin Fitts, President of Solari, Inc., Managing…