Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture
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Increasing use of Bill Gates’ digital ID to control payments, health data and agriculture

Source: Dr Peter F. Mayer, 12 April 2024 More and more countries around the world have started to introduce a new global digital ID system, which is being strongly promoted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Gates has travelled to various countries to convince heads of state and government of the idea, as can be…

“Pfizer law” passed in the French parliament
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“Pfizer law” passed in the French parliament

Source: Thomas Oysmüller, 15 April 2024 Whether criticising mRNA treatment or masks against influenza viruses: all of this can be prosecuted in France in future. Anyone who dissuades people from corporate medicine will face trouble in future. Critics have labelled the new French “sect law” the “Pfizer law”. This is because it means that…

Mainstream confirms secret “chemtrail” project
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Mainstream confirms secret “chemtrail” project

Source:, Thomas Oysmüller, published: 08 April 2024 Salt crystals are blown into the atmosphere off San Francisco to block the sun. This has now been confirmed. The technical term is geoengineering and research and work is being carried out diligently. In popular language, the word “chemtrails” had developed, which is also devalued by the…

Greece extends digital ID obligation
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Greece extends digital ID obligation

Source:, Thomas Oysmüller, 15 April 2024 The use of the eID is supposed to remain voluntary in the EU. However, Greece shows that without a digital ID, people could soon be confronted with restrictions in everyday life. The EU Commission regularly declares that the digital ID will not be mandatory and that no one…

WHO Wants Sweeping Global Power Over Pandemic Policy — Without Defining ‘Pandemic’
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WHO Wants Sweeping Global Power Over Pandemic Policy — Without Defining ‘Pandemic’

The WHO wants member states to sign new agreements that would give the organization sweeping authority to set global pandemic policy pandemic without a clear consensus or criteria on what distinguishes pandemics from epidemics or endemic diseases. Source: Brownstone Institute, 11 April 2024 By REPPARE  With the Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO)…

Massive protests in Japan against WHO and consequences of Covid vaccination campaign
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Massive protests in Japan against WHO and consequences of Covid vaccination campaign

Source:, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 14 April 2024 Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Japan on 13 April 2024 against the World Health Organization and the seizure of power by the WHO and its oligarch backers through the proposed treaties and treaty changes. The day will go down in the annals of modern…

Three further studies prove: Oftentimes it used to be warmer than today
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Three further studies prove: Oftentimes it used to be warmer than today

Source:, Heinz Steiner, 14 April 2024 The current warm period is being blamed on humans and CO2. However, other data from the past centuries and millennia show that such temperature fluctuations are completely natural. The focus on the trace gas is obviously misguided. The global climate has been subject to major fluctuations since time…

‘Trail of Lies, Obfuscations and Cover-ups’: 15 Federal Agencies Knew About EcoHealth’s Gain-of-Function Proposal in 2018 But Said Nothing
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‘Trail of Lies, Obfuscations and Cover-ups’: 15 Federal Agencies Knew About EcoHealth’s Gain-of-Function Proposal in 2018 But Said Nothing

Senator Rand Paul and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee are investigating 15 federal agencies that were briefed in 2018 on EcoHealth Alliance’s proposal to create a novel coronavirus “shockingly similar to the COVID-19 virus” but failed to sound the alarm when the pandemic struck. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and the Senate Homeland…

CHD’s Mary Holland Interviews Sen. Ron Johnson on COVID, Censorship and the Scientific and Technological ‘Elite’
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CHD’s Mary Holland Interviews Sen. Ron Johnson on COVID, Censorship and the Scientific and Technological ‘Elite’

Sen. Ron Johnson and Children’s Health Defense CEO Mary Holland discussed the failures of the COVID-19 response, the lack of oversight in Congress and the erosion of First Amendment rights during a conversation Tuesday at the Heritage Foundation’s Weaponization of U.S. Government Symposium. “Nothing we did during COVID made sense whatsoever — it was all…

Editors of Top Science Journals to Testify Before House Pandemic Committee, as Critics Call for End of Taxpayer Funding for ‘Corrupt’ Research
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Editors of Top Science Journals to Testify Before House Pandemic Committee, as Critics Call for End of Taxpayer Funding for ‘Corrupt’ Research

The U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic invited the editors of three major science journals to testify on the relationship between their publications and the federal government. Amid controversy over censorship in peer-reviewed journals, the editors of three major science journals last week received invitations to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Select…