Historic demonstration in Brussels
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Historic demonstration in Brussels

While the EU political elite devotes itself to the current democracy game (“European elections”), the European peasantry is protesting in the heart of Brussels. Source: TKP.at, Thomas Oysmüller, June 04th, 2024 “The revolution will not be broadcast on TV” is a saying that was coined by social movements many years ago. Today, Tuesday, the truth…

If Bayer Really Wanted to Stand With Farmers, It Would Stop Selling Them Toxics + More
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If Bayer Really Wanted to Stand With Farmers, It Would Stop Selling Them Toxics + More

The Defender’s Big Food NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to industrial food companies and their products, including ultra-processed foods, food additives, contaminants, GMOs and lab-grown meat and their toxic effects on human health. The views expressed in the excerpts from other news sources do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender. Op-Ed:…

Raw Milk at the Crossroads, Again
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Raw Milk at the Crossroads, Again

Source: Mercola.com, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Author Sally Fallon Morell, 16 May 2024 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Few of us were born when the forces for milk pasteurization launched the first major attack on Nature’s perfect food. In 1945, a magazine called “Coronet” published an article, “Raw Milk Can Kill You,” blaming raw milk for an outbreak of…

‘Drop Monoculture and Industrial Thinking’: Study Shows Diversified Farming Pays Off for People and Planet
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‘Drop Monoculture and Industrial Thinking’: Study Shows Diversified Farming Pays Off for People and Planet

A new study of diverse agricultural operations worldwide found that farms and pastures can achieve significant social and environmental benefits by working “less like factories” and “more like healthy natural ecosystems.” Story at a glance: Industrialized farming is characterized by monoculture, or growing one type of crop over a large area, season after season. While said…

How Food Giants Get Kids Hooked on Junk Food — and How to Stop Them
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How Food Giants Get Kids Hooked on Junk Food — and How to Stop Them

Parents are protectors of their children. They have to be especially on guard to protect their children from pervasive direct mass marketing, using influencers, peer groups and abduction of their youngsters into the Internet Gulag. Published in The Defender May 14, 2024 by Ralph Nader About 45 years ago, at a social gathering, I asked…

Long-term Exposure to Toxic Pesticides Alters Gut Microbiome, Metabolism
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Long-term Exposure to Toxic Pesticides Alters Gut Microbiome, Metabolism

A new study published in Environmental Health builds on existing research assessing the relationship between long-term exposure to organophosphorus pesticides — widely used in food production, homes and gardens — and the human gut microbiome. Source The Defender, May 1, 2024, originally from Beyond Pesticides Researchers build on existing research when assessing the relationship between…

When It Comes to Protecting Consumers From Food Chemicals, FDA Scores Lower Than EU Safety Agencies — Here’s Why
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When It Comes to Protecting Consumers From Food Chemicals, FDA Scores Lower Than EU Safety Agencies — Here’s Why

An investigation by Environmental Health News found that the independent European Food Safety Authority relies on scientific panels of independent experts with high standards to limit conflicts of interest and bias, whereas the FDA is less transparent about its decision-making. By Environmental Health News By Maricel V. Maffini, Ph.D. and Linda S. Birnbaum The U.S. Food…

How What You Eat May Change Your Unborn Children’s Genes — and Affect Their Health
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How What You Eat May Change Your Unborn Children’s Genes — and Affect Their Health

Nutritional epigenetics — the study of how your diet, and the diet of your parents and grandparents, affects your genes — could provide motivation for making better dietary choices. Source: The Defender originally posted 24 April 2024 By Nathaniel Johnson, Ph.D., Hasan Khatib, Ph.D., and Thomas D. Crenshaw, Ph.D.  Within the last century, researchers’ understanding…

Not All Sunshine–The Reality of Vitamin D Supplementation
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Not All Sunshine–The Reality of Vitamin D Supplementation

Source: The Epoch Times, Sheramy Tsai, 24 April 2024 Vitamin D is a nutrient we derive from foods and sun exposure as well as a hormone made by our bodies. Essential for our health, knowing how to take it is key. One in five Americans regularly reach for vitamin D supplements, yet most are unaware…

Can compounds of mRNA vaccines survive digestion and be biologically active in consuming humans or animals?
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Can compounds of mRNA vaccines survive digestion and be biologically active in consuming humans or animals?

Source : TKP.at, Ph.D.Ph.D. Siguna Müller, Siguna’s Substack, 03 April 2024 Are we approaching a potentially global disaster via broad-scale livestock and wildlife RNA vaccination? Thanks for reading my Substack. After I had posted my preprint last week on the environmental risks of existing and emerging human and animal mRNA vaccines, I kept pondering one…