Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Since the WHO declared a pandemic, Europe has seen the advent of two curious legal instruments: the Digital Green Certificate (DGC) and Passenger Locator Forms (PLFs). Working shoulder-to-shoulder as a draconian ‘universal framework’, they are digging a six-foot legislative hole in which to lay freedom of movement and the concept of bodily integrity to rest. Until…


English NHS Finally Speaks The Truth On Covid-19 Deaths

by Nicole Délepine The CDC (The US’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and NHS (the National Health Service, the United Kingdom’s public health system, founded in 1948 ) confess to the true number of Covid-19-related deaths “They are lying to you – Official NHS data show that only 3,542 people actually died from COVID-19″…

EU Vaccine Injury Reporting System Shows More Than 330,000 Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines

EU Vaccine Injury Reporting System Shows More Than 330,000 Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines

The European database of suspected drug reaction EudraVigilance tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” Health Impact News compiled the latest data on reports of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths in EU countries following vaccination with all four COVID vaccines approved in the EU for emergency use. As of April 17…

European Vaccine Passport Scheme’s Voted

European Vaccine Passport Scheme’s Voted

In Brussels yesterday the European Parliament adopted a negotiating position on the Commission’s Digital Green Certificate proposal. 575 MEPs voted for a compromise text, with 80 against and 40 abstentions. Voting took place remotely after three hours of speeches to a mostly empty chamber. The Commission’s desire to create a universal system of health check…

Is The CDC Safety Study Following Covid-19 Vaccines Hiding Risks Of Miscarriages? (France)
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Is The CDC Safety Study Following Covid-19 Vaccines Hiding Risks Of Miscarriages? (France)

By Emma Kahn The HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé, High Health Authority) in  France now recommends vaccinating pregnant women over 35 years of age or those with other comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, or pregnant women likely to be in contact with infected persons due to their professional activity using Pfizer, Moderna…

EU Green Pass ‘Guarantee of Discrimination’

EU Green Pass ‘Guarantee of Discrimination’

EUObserver has published an opinion warning about the dangers of the ‘Digital Green Certificate’ An Irish lawyer says the Proposal, being debated today in the European Parliament, presents a threat to democracy and peace Here it is in full: An instrument of unusual significance is quietly on its way to becoming law in Europe: the…

European Lawyer Warns MEPs: “the Digital Green Certificate” Marks The End of the Originally Wonderful “European Community” Project.

European Lawyer Warns MEPs: “the Digital Green Certificate” Marks The End of the Originally Wonderful “European Community” Project.

In a common letter to the Members of the European Parliament, DDr. Renate Holseizen asked every MEP to investigate and explore the “very serious issue for the health of every European Union citizen” before their vote on the “digital green certificate” this week. “I consider [the green digital certificate] a breach of the most fundamental…

“The Green  Digital Certificate, Financial Coup  And Global Agenda In The EU” ITW of Catherine Austin Fitts & Valerie Bugault by Senta Depuydt
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“The Green  Digital Certificate, Financial Coup And Global Agenda In The EU” ITW of Catherine Austin Fitts & Valerie Bugault by Senta Depuydt

While the question if the pandemic would serve a global agenda was considered heretic and conspirationist only a year ago, it is now openly discussed as ‘a wonderful opportunity’ for a ‘great reset’ led by a joint effort of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.  This reset also called ‘the 4th industrial revolution’…

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Doctors4CovidEthics Send Notices of Liability To Every MEP “You May Be Personally Liable for Harm and Death Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines””

On April 20, 2021, ahead of the April 28 vote on EU vaccine passports (the ‘Digital Green Certificate’), Doctors4CovidEthics sent notices of liability for vaccine harms and deaths  to all Members of the European Parliament. This rather surprising and unusual initiative comes as a very strong statement from doctors and scientists who are desperate to…

Voters to MEPs: support Rooken Amendment and reject the Green Pass!

Voters to MEPs: support Rooken Amendment and reject the Green Pass!

  The European Commission has proposed a new system of border controls forcing European travellers to carry a vaccine card, euphemistically dubbed the Digital Green Certificate. Those behind the Proposal for the ‘universal framework’ intended to pass the law with as little debate as possible, despite the brave efforts of some politicians including Croatian MEP…