BREAKING: Sensational verdict from Weimar: no masks, no distance, no more tests for pupils (Germany)
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BREAKING: Sensational verdict from Weimar: no masks, no distance, no more tests for pupils (Germany)

On 8 April 2021, the Weimar Family Court ruled in summary proceedings (Ref.: 9 F 148/21) that two Weimar schools are prohibited with immediate effect from requiring pupils to wear mouth-nose coverings of any kind (especially qualified masks such as FFP2 masks), to comply with AHA minimum distances and/or to take part in SARS-CoV-2 rapid…

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections
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Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections

Please click here (or on the image below) to download the Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections (PDF).         Disclaimer: This form is provided to facilitate effective family due diligence, communication, and planning. It is essential that each person and each family take responsibility to identify and access the information they…

“We urge you to apply the precautionary principle” for Covid-19 Vaccine On Healthy Children Calls the UK Medical Freedom Alliance
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“We urge you to apply the precautionary principle” for Covid-19 Vaccine On Healthy Children Calls the UK Medical Freedom Alliance

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance have sent this open letter (text below + please download the PDF here) to child health experts and regulators raising serious concerns about the administration of Covid-19 vaccines into healthy children. We reference current scientific evidence that clearly shows the ‘risk v benefit’ calculation does NOT support administering experimental Covid-19…

The Constitutional Court ruled that compulsory mask-wearing at school was illegal (Austria)
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The Constitutional Court ruled that compulsory mask-wearing at school was illegal (Austria)

Austria’s Constitutional Court ruled on Wednesday 23rd December 2020 that two government’s measures to fight the spread of coronavirus in schools were illegal: compulsory mask-wearing and splitting classes into two halves to be taught in alternate shifts. The split classes system meant that some pupils had lessons on Mondays and Tuesdays and others on Wednesdays,…

Open Letter of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance warning against mass SARS-CoV-2 testing in all UK senior schools in January 2021
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Open Letter of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance warning against mass SARS-CoV-2 testing in all UK senior schools in January 2021

In response to the UK Government’s policy to implement mass SARS-CoV-2 testing (Lateral Flow tests then confirmation with PCR) in all senior schools (11-18 years) next week, before the children are allowed to return to school, the UK Medical Freedom Alliance has sent a fully referenced Open Letter to the UK Education Minister (Gavin Williamson)…

German Team Finds Masks for Children and Adolescent Have no Benefits and Can Be Dangerous.
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German Team Finds Masks for Children and Adolescent Have no Benefits and Can Be Dangerous.

December 2020. The German interdisciplinary Research Team ‘Care4Truth’ has published a report after a research in the scientific literature to see if there were risks associated with the use of a ‘mouth-nose-covering’ in children and adolescents. The reporters first point to the fact that the recommendation about wearing ‘masks’ have continuously changed since the beginning…

Alarming Clinical Reports On The Traumatic Impacts of Current Health Policy on Children

Alarming Clinical Reports On The Traumatic Impacts of Current Health Policy on Children

Abstract:Professionals in psychology, psychoanalysis, paediatrics and child psychiatry draw up an alarming assessment of the traumatic impacts of current health policy on children. Describing their observations, as well as the symptoms noted in their consultations and analysing the testimonies of parents, teachers and children, they point to serious disruptions in living together and socialisation, the…

CHD Europe supports research and notices of liability associated with the risks of wearing masks in schools and at work
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CHD Europe supports research and notices of liability associated with the risks of wearing masks in schools and at work

Experiments conducted in Germany demonstrate that wearing masks is associated with CO2 intoxication. A German team led by nuclear safety engineer Manuel Döring has recently presented a press conference about notices of liability, as well as the filing of criminal complaints, which have been issued against the CEO’s of Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Bahn (national railway)…

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Gardasil Vaccine “The Science” Video and Other Facts (With Subtitles + Full Transcript)

This must-watch video details the many problems with the development and safety of Merck’s third-highest grossing product, Gardasil. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD’s Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel, ask that you watch and share this video so that you, and others, may make an informed decision of whether or not…