Covid: Zero Deaths in Young People Without Comorbidities, The ‘Benefit’ Of The Vaccine Is Negative
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Covid: Zero Deaths in Young People Without Comorbidities, The ‘Benefit’ Of The Vaccine Is Negative

Covid is an extremely non-lethal disease: mortality rate of this coronavirus presented as the global pandemic 0.035%, and 0.00% in non-immunocompromised children and very little in children with comorbidity: six children aged 0-9 years and 10 children aged 10-19 years have died in hospital in France since March 2020 with a positive Covid test. This…

Vaccine Injury Is Real, Always Put Your Child’s Health First
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Vaccine Injury Is Real, Always Put Your Child’s Health First

Right now the pressure to take the vaccine seems to be unbearable. In many countries most people are afraid to loose their job and reputation, and feel they could be excluded from socio-economic participation in society. It’s a harsh situation, but may not last forever, if we defend our rights. To those who are considering…

UK Docs to Health Authorities: Please Listen To Your Own Experts Advising Against Vaccine Rollout to Children 12-15 years
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UK Docs to Health Authorities: Please Listen To Your Own Experts Advising Against Vaccine Rollout to Children 12-15 years

On the 4th September 2021, the UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) sent an urgent email (text below) to the four UK Chief Medical Officers who are making the decision as to whether to give the go ahead to the Government to rollout the Covid-19 jabs to 12-15 year old children, potentially over-riding the Joint Committee…

Government Failed to Consider Evidence of Harm, Including to Children, From 5G and Wireless Radiation, Court Rules
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Government Failed to Consider Evidence of Harm, Including to Children, From 5G and Wireless Radiation, Court Rules

In a landmark case, our sister organization Children’s Health Defense, chaired by Robert F Kennedy Jr, has now won an important victory in federal court in the US: Regulators’ approval of 5G wireless technology was granted in disregard of important rights of citizen participation and by failing to address significant scientific safety risks. The significance…

C19-Child Vaccinations: Irish Doctors Speak Out While UK Incentivises Doctors to put Kids in Harms Way

C19-Child Vaccinations: Irish Doctors Speak Out While UK Incentivises Doctors to put Kids in Harms Way

Have you ever wondered why so few Doctors are standing up to the madness of injecting even children with the experimental gene therapies? Children, who are neither at risk of getting seriously ill, nor actively spreading the disease? Well, if we take what‘s happenig in the UK as being just another example, than it is…

Risk of Myocarditis Increased Up to Forty-Fold in Adolescents
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Risk of Myocarditis Increased Up to Forty-Fold in Adolescents

CDC ACIP confirms dangers of Covid vaccine for children and adolescents While governments in Europe and around the world are using the start of school after the summer vacations as an opportunity to push Corona vaccination in children and adolescents, behind the scenes, concerns about adverse health effects are being confirmed. Most recently, this was…

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Parents Oppose Vaccination of Minors Based on Informed Consent Legislation (Belgium)

In Belgium the organisation Notre Bon Droit is supporting a case filed on behalf of a dozen families who appeal the decision to open vaccination for minors aged 16-17. According to them this authorisation is illegal and the requirements for informed consent cannot be met. Several testimonies of outraged parents reveal that minors have been…

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Call to European Parents : Join EU action to withdraw authorisation of Pfizer Covid Injection For Children 12+

Deadline: September 15th 2021 Action: join as intervenor in the legal action to annul EU license of Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine for children aged 12 years and over  Conditions for Application:  parent of a child in the European Union  Costs: no fees to apply Details of case and form for application: see at the end of this…

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Covid-19 Injections Dangerous For Mothers and Babies, Building Up in Ovaries And Attacking The Placenta, According To Former Chief Scientist of Pfizer R&D

Dr. Michael YEADON BSc was Formerly Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer Allergy & Respiratory at Pfizer Global R&D. In Jan. 2020 Dr. Mike Yeadon already co-authored a letter with Prof. Wolfgang Wodarg to warn the EMA of the dangers in the new technology used in Covid 19 vaccines and ask clinical trials be stopped…

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Prayers for the Fertility of Women At Lake Constance Where 3 Nations Meet

Catherine Austin Fitts has kindly attracted our attention to this very special celebration in the heart of Europe. We could not resist sharing her post about this touching gathering of souls so much aligned with the intent of this letter. In several days, on August 15th, many people celebrate the Assumption of Mary. This day…