Myocarditis signal was known in Feb 2021 but FDA and CDC hid it until they got the vaccine authorized for 12-15 year olds in May 2021. Here is the proof.

Myocarditis signal was known in Feb 2021 but FDA and CDC hid it until they got the vaccine authorized for 12-15 year olds in May 2021. Here is the proof.

FDA, CDC and Israeli evidence. Willful misconduct is clearly demonstrated. I was told that the VAERS contractor for CDC and FDA (Oracle had the contract) told the agencies there was a myocarditis adverse event signal in February 2021. This was 2 months after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were authorized. (Myocarditis shows up within 4…

EMA’s latest bombshell instalment of damning data confirms their failure: PSUR #3, the pregnancy and lactation cases
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EMA’s latest bombshell instalment of damning data confirms their failure: PSUR #3, the pregnancy and lactation cases

Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request, the EU’s Periodic Safety Update Report #3 (PSUR #3), covering the 6-month period of 19 December 2021 through to 18 June 2022, recently became available on the Austrian Politics and Science blog, tkp.  My analysis of PSUR #1 was published in Children’s Health Defense Europe, which covered…

LEAKED LETTER from EMA Head to MEPs shows agency’s abject failure
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LEAKED LETTER from EMA Head to MEPs shows agency’s abject failure

Recently, I was given a leaked 8-page letter (dated April 20th) from the European Medicines Agency’s executive director (and former Big Pharma lobbyist) Emer Cooke to the Chair of COVID Special Committee, MEP Kathleen Van Brempt. I am sure it will be published soon on the EMA’s website in their ‘commitment to transparency’, no doubt….

The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke
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The many untruths told by EMA chief Emer Cooke

This 6-minute clip from the European Parliament’s three-hour meeting on 27 March with the Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic is a must-see! Robert Roos MEP from the Netherlands has demanded answers from former Big Pharma lobbyist and EMA CEO Emer Cooke on the following areas: Ms Cooke admitted that“most of the data came from…

Court Orders Merck to Turn Over Gardasil Adverse Event Databases
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Court Orders Merck to Turn Over Gardasil Adverse Event Databases

A North Carolina district court ordered pharmaceutical giant Merck to turn over all of its Gardasil adverse event databases to plaintiffs suing the pharmaceutical giant for injuries allegedly caused by the HPV vaccine. A North Carolina district court ordered Merck to turn over all of its Gardasil adverse events databases to plaintiffs suing the pharmaceutical giant for…

Startling Evidence Suggests BioNTech andPfizer Falsified Key Data: Part 1
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Startling Evidence Suggests BioNTech and
Pfizer Falsified Key Data: Part 1

This report was originally published in Trial Site News. Evidence has emerged casting serious doubt over the authenticity of tests carried out byBioNTech (Marketing Authorisation Holder) and Pfizer to prove the fidelity of their productby demonstrating that only the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is expressed in cells by thenucleoside-modified mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine (BNT162b2).Several Western…

CDC and media scramble to deny bivalent booster causes strokes

CDC and media scramble to deny bivalent booster causes strokes Friday night’s headlines re STROKE RISK from the bivalent booster have morphed and become benign. The WaPo, for example, tells us the following right now: Extensive review affirms covid booster is safe after system flagged risk A deep dive into several large databases has failed to confirm the preliminary information, according to the CDC…



— Andrew Bridgen, UK Parliament, 13th December 2022. “Key evidence-based facts that make a clear case for complete suspension of these emergency use authorisation vaccines.” MP Andrew Bridgen spoke in the House of Commons on 13th December 2022. His adjournment debate on Covid-19 vaccine damage raised questions while emphasising the clear facts calling for suspension…

German Bundestag hears Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt on dangers of Covid 19 vaccination
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German Bundestag hears Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt on dangers of Covid 19 vaccination

The warning about damage to the heart, brain and other organs from injections of genetically modified material called “Covid-19 vaccination” has now been officially documented first-hand in the parliamentary records of the German Bundestag. On March 21, Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt was heard by the Bundestag’s Health Committee as a representative of an international group…

UK Docs to Health Authorities: Please Listen To Your Own Experts Advising Against Vaccine Rollout to Children 12-15 years
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UK Docs to Health Authorities: Please Listen To Your Own Experts Advising Against Vaccine Rollout to Children 12-15 years

On the 4th September 2021, the UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) sent an urgent email (text below) to the four UK Chief Medical Officers who are making the decision as to whether to give the go ahead to the Government to rollout the Covid-19 jabs to 12-15 year old children, potentially over-riding the Joint Committee…