“Death sentence for millions”: WHO and EU launch new global vaccine passport initiative
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“Death sentence for millions”: WHO and EU launch new global vaccine passport initiative

Technology expert Michael Rectenwald, PhD, told The Defender that a digital passport system under the guise of preserving freedom “means restrictions on movement and living for the unvaccinated and forced vaccination to participate in life.” The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Commission – the executive branch of the European Union (EU) – launched…

The WEF and its partners claim to work to provide “digital safety”–except the WSJ has just showed us that partner Meta has been directing its clients to child sex abuse sites

The WEF and its partners claim to work to provide “digital safety”–except the WSJ has just showed us that partner Meta has been directing its clients to child sex abuse sites

Not only is the partner a huge problem (I will provide the WSJ article full text), but “digital safety” is also a euphemism for censorship The impact of delivering digital safety—according to the World Economic Forum Of course, the issues with a digital identity and health passport are: But let’s make it palatable: this is…

Irish Farmers Protest Plans to Cull Livestock to Meet Climate Targets

Irish Farmers Protest Plans to Cull Livestock to Meet Climate Targets

Farmers in Ireland are protesting government proposals to cull livestock — including up to 200,000 cows — in an effort to meet national and European Union goals to reduce methane emissions. Farmers in Ireland are protesting government proposals to cull livestock — including up to 200,000 cows — in an effort to meet national and…

World Health Assembly Cites Need to ‘Restrict Personal Liberties’ and Expand WHO’s Emergency Powers

World Health Assembly Cites Need to ‘Restrict Personal Liberties’ and Expand WHO’s Emergency Powers

The World Health Organization this week concluded its 76th World Health Assembly without ratifying a new pandemic treaty or the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, but members did issue new calls to “restrict personal liberties” during health emergencies. The World Health Organization (WHO) this week concluded its 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) without ratifying a…

WHO Initiative Would ‘Promote Desired Behaviors’ by Surveilling Social Media
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WHO Initiative Would ‘Promote Desired Behaviors’ by Surveilling Social Media

A new World Health Organization initiative asks member states to combat what the agency calls an ‘infodemic’ — an overabundance of information, “accurate or not,” that makes it difficult for people to “adopt behaviors that will protect their health and the health of their families and communities.” The World Health Organization (WHO) is proposing a…

EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement
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EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement

What is disinformation? It used to be true information that the DHS claimed was misleading. Now it has been redefined to encompass misinformation (false information) too. But it is a slippery concept, because we have a First Amendment right to free speech: we can say whatever we want to say. It does not have to…

Prof. Bhakdi courtroom
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The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?

At around 5:45 in the evening on Tuesday May 23, Judge Malte Grundmann entered the courtroom at Amtsgericht Plön to deliver his decision in the case of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. Following nine hours of deliberations, testimony and final arguments, all who were present in the gallery stood up eagerly awaiting the outcome to be read…

Myocarditis signal was known in Feb 2021 but FDA and CDC hid it until they got the vaccine authorized for 12-15 year olds in May 2021. Here is the proof.

Myocarditis signal was known in Feb 2021 but FDA and CDC hid it until they got the vaccine authorized for 12-15 year olds in May 2021. Here is the proof.

FDA, CDC and Israeli evidence. Willful misconduct is clearly demonstrated. I was told that the VAERS contractor for CDC and FDA (Oracle had the contract) told the agencies there was a myocarditis adverse event signal in February 2021. This was 2 months after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were authorized. (Myocarditis shows up within 4…

Critique of EU Commission expert opinion report on radiofrequency radiation from wireless technology – EU Commission hand-picked expert report authors known for bias towards telecom business needs
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Critique of EU Commission expert opinion report on radiofrequency radiation from wireless technology – EU Commission hand-picked expert report authors known for bias towards telecom business needs

Two European NGO’s, specialized on the health risks from radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitted by modern wireless technology, published an in-depth critical review of the latest EU Commission expert group report on RFR. The EU expert report is heavily biased and appears to be predetermined to dismiss health risks below the ICNIRP limits of maximum exposure to RFR….

The WHO Has Changed and Now It is a Threat

The WHO Has Changed and Now It is a Threat

The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) reassures us that the WHO’s “pandemic accord” (or “treaty”) won’t reduce the sovereignty of its Member States. The WHO trusts that these words will serve as a distraction from reality. Those driving the perpetual health emergency agenda are planning to give it more power, and States less. This will…