Death of 12-Year-Old Boy in France Following HPV Vaccination Triggers Probe Into Gardasil Safety and School Vaccine Campaigns
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Death of 12-Year-Old Boy in France Following HPV Vaccination Triggers Probe Into Gardasil Safety and School Vaccine Campaigns

French prosecutors have launched an investigation into the death of a 12-year-old boy who collapsed minutes after receiving Gardasil’s human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in a school setting and subsequently died of head trauma, according to French media. The boy, referred to in news reports as Elouan, studied at Saint-Dominique College, a private school in Saint-Herblain,…

The bizarre campaign to vaccinate German children against the recommendations of regulators and in the absence of all evidence
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The bizarre campaign to vaccinate German children against the recommendations of regulators and in the absence of all evidence

Why were German politicians so eager, in summer 2021, to vaccinate school children? This was the question at the centre of yesterday’s post. I mean it in a very specific way. I understand this was a time of general vaccine mania, when everybody from local pediatricians to Chancellor Angela Merkel nourished wild dreams of ending…

Gene-Edited Humans? Scientists Sound Alarm as UK Approves CRISPR Therapy to Treat Blood Disease
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Gene-Edited Humans? Scientists Sound Alarm as UK Approves CRISPR Therapy to Treat Blood Disease

U.K. regulators this week approved the first CRISPR therapy to treat humans and U.S. regulators could approve the therapy — designed to treat blood disorders — as early as December. Meanwhile, the U.S. company behind another CRISPR technology, “base editing,” reported a successful initial study — despite 2 of 10 subjects experiencing heart attacks, resulting…

Facilitating the WHO power grab: the return of Bill Gates crony David Cameron

Facilitating the WHO power grab: the return of Bill Gates crony David Cameron

The return of former British Prime Minister David Cameron to office as Foreign Secretary affirms that the main purpose of the British state is really to push vaccines. In a disturbing turn of events after a punishing weekend on the streets of London provoked by the Gazan war – which has left the country politically…

HPV Vaccine May Cause Increase in Cancer-Causing Strains, Study Shows — But Media Puts Misleading Spin on Study’s Findings

HPV Vaccine May Cause Increase in Cancer-Causing Strains, Study Shows — But Media Puts Misleading Spin on Study’s Findings

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may increase the prevalence and distribution of some HPV virus strains not targeted by the vaccine — including some strains that are linked to cancer, according to a study published last week in Cell Host & Microbe. But STATNews misleadingly, according to experts, concluded the study showed the vaccine was…

CHD President Mary Holland: ‘Children Should Have No Role in Violent Conflict’

CHD President Mary Holland: ‘Children Should Have No Role in Violent Conflict’

Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland today issued the following statement in response to media reports of violence affecting children in Gaza, Israel and elsewhere. Our mission at Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is to protect children’s health and freedom, yet these ideals are impossible when children are trapped by terrorism and war. CHD grieves for…

Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO?

Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO?

Over the past two years you’ve probably heard about the attempted WHO power grab. Here’s everything you need to know to understand the status today. Overview: How Would these Drafts Become International Law? What are Some Specific Problems with the WHO’s Proposed Amendments? Article 3 of the proposed IHR amendments removes protections for human rights: Proposed article…

Finger scan

The biometric-digital marking of all citizens of the world is becoming reality

Shortly after it has become known that hackers are offering the identity data of most Indians from the world’s largest digital identity database for sale, the European Parliament and Council have agreed to introduce something similar for Europeans, while Washington praises the Ukrainian version as an export model and Bill Gates wants to impose a…

Surveillance Cameras on a Metal Post

UN develops a total-surveillance instrument with autocracy Kazakhstan

With the help of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Kazakhstan, which is not exactly a democratic model state, has developed a Digital Family Card that brings together all information about all citizens and their family relationships. Under the pretext of being able to help better and faster the government is depriving families of their privacy….

Russia’s Finance Ministry says (again) that the digital ruble will replace cash
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Russia’s Finance Ministry says (again) that the digital ruble will replace cash

“The transition to CBDCs will be completely voluntary, though. You needn’t worry!” Alexei Moiseev, Russia’s deputy minister of finance, is the world’s most candid space lizard. When he announced in a September 2021 interview that “the digital ruble is a replacement for the cash ruble”, skeptics and haters spread hurtful rumors that Moiseev’s refreshing and…