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Forced Covid-19 vaccination for UK 22 year old with severe learning difficulties

A UK mother of a 22 year old man “Tom” with severe learning difficulties has started a legal appeal to the Court of Protection. This family is one of many across the United Kingdom being taken to Court by the Healthcare Authorities to inject children with an experimental Covid-19 injection against their wishes.

Tom will be injected within days unless the Court agrees to overturn this decision. 

Tom was born with a chromosome imbalance, partial Trisomy 13, which caused severe learning difficulties and a heart condition being Tetralogy of Fallot. He had full corrective heart surgery at the age of one. He takes no medications and is a fit and healthy, strong young man. Getting to this age has exceeded the expectations of the medical profession, which is a credit to his mother. She has raised him with love and dedication and has been responsible for all his health decisions including Tom receiving all his childhood vaccinations and the flu vaccine each year. She is no “anti-vaxxer”, as the Judge in Court said she might be.

The mother is being represented by human rights barrister Paul Diamond of Jackson Osborne solicitors. A crowdfund campaign for legal costs was started on December 19, 2022. At the time of writing 4,792£ of 5,000£ has been raised with donations from 203 people. Tom’s mother is raising funds for her legal costs incurred to date and to allow her to continue in applications to Court of appeal.  She may have to appeal again up to the Supreme Court because Tom’s case is raising a fundamental question: 

In the absence of abuse or irrational and unreasonable decision making, what right does the Court or the State have to reach into the family home and override reasonable decisions of parents and family? 

The grounds for appeal are outlined in this document. The mother’s argument for permission to appeal is outlined here

To see more detail about the campaign or to make a donation, visit the CrowdJustice website.

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