The EU is getting ready for total control of the digital space
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The EU is getting ready for total control of the digital space

Source: Norbert Häring, Money & Markets, 15 April 2024 Under the pretext of promoting “civic” engagement, the EU Commission is funding the development of artificially intelligent software for the survellance and manipulation of social media – for use of state-funded, private watchdogs and government agencies. Preparatory work has been done in the USA. In the…

Sweden’s new government wants a right to pay in cash

Sweden’s new government wants a right to pay in cash

Source: Norbert Häring, Geld und mehr, 22/01/2024 22. 01. 2024 | The abolition of cash is not happening, it is being done with the support of governments. If citizens no longer want this and elect or threaten to elect a new government, things can change quite quickly. Following Italy, Austria, Slovakia and Norway, this is…

Finger scan

The biometric-digital marking of all citizens of the world is becoming reality

Shortly after it has become known that hackers are offering the identity data of most Indians from the world’s largest digital identity database for sale, the European Parliament and Council have agreed to introduce something similar for Europeans, while Washington praises the Ukrainian version as an export model and Bill Gates wants to impose a…

Surveillance Cameras on a Metal Post

UN develops a total-surveillance instrument with autocracy Kazakhstan

With the help of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Kazakhstan, which is not exactly a democratic model state, has developed a Digital Family Card that brings together all information about all citizens and their family relationships. Under the pretext of being able to help better and faster the government is depriving families of their privacy….

Glass Panels Exterior of the Microsoft Building

From October, Microsoft will check everything you do on your Windows computer

From 30 September, new terms and conditions will apply to Microsoft customers. If you do not adhere to a vague code of conduct when using products of the quasi-monopolist, your account can be blocked and you can lose access to all paid or free services and your data stored there. Recourse is available on a…

Jitsuvax: Psychological martial arts against people sceptical about mRNA vaccines

Jitsuvax: Psychological martial arts against people sceptical about mRNA vaccines

Cornelia Betsch, one of the busiest psycho-manipulators for the vaccination establishment and during Covid times a member of the Corona Expert Council, heads the German branch of an EU project called Jitsuvax with her Erfurt psychology squad loyal to the government. It researches and disseminates psychological tricks for doctors to use to overcome vaccination hesitancy….

Dangers of the electronic patient file

Dangers of the electronic patient file

From 2025, health insurers are to create an electronic file for every patient who does not expressly object. Guest author Andreas Heyer criticises this because he fears data misuse. There are already examples of this from abroad. By Andreas Heyer.* So far, apparently only a few patients see any benefit in having their health and…

UN to roll out EU approach to online censorship worldwide

UN to roll out EU approach to online censorship worldwide

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has presented a programme which aims to ensure that content disrupting the “empirically supported consensus on facts, science and knowledge” disappears from online platforms and online media. He is calling content providers’ ability to “undermine scientifically established facts with disinformation” nothing less than “an existential risk to humanity”. With his policy brief “Information…

Compulsory vaccination forever – WHO adopts digital EU Covid certificate as global standard

Compulsory vaccination forever – WHO adopts digital EU Covid certificate as global standard

In June, the legal basis for the digital EU Covid certificates expires. These allow proof of vaccinations or tests which are required for travel or participation in social activites. The WHO is now adopting this digital infrastructure as a permanent model for global travel. Thus, the requirment for anyone wishing to travel to follow up-to-date…

WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governments
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WHO wants to make manipulation of public opinion mandatory for governments

WHO’s governing body has signed off on a draft resolution on the use of behavioural sciences in health policy. A pamphlet issued by the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear what it is really about: extensive manipulation of public opinion n the interests of a world authority that believes itself to be in possession of scientific truth….