Steely Lawyer Protects Health Workers Against Forced Vaccination (Italy)

Steely Lawyer Protects Health Workers Against Forced Vaccination (Italy)

Workers are being forced to undergo a medical procedure against their will A lawyer from northern Italy is bringing an action to the General Court of the European Union on behalf of hundreds of regional health workers being made to receive medical treatment against their will. Now thousands of other health workers from across Europe…

Operation Oxychild, Parents Bring Evidence Of Mask Harms To Academics And Courts (France)
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Operation Oxychild, Parents Bring Evidence Of Mask Harms To Academics And Courts (France)

Since last February, the French association Réaction 19 has been fighting to free schoolchildren from wearing masks. Its weapon? The oximeter, a very simple tool of use, allowing to measure the rate of oxygen in blood. Explanations. In France, the wearing of a mask at school for children aged 11 and over was made compulsory…

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Since the WHO declared a pandemic, Europe has seen the advent of two curious legal instruments: the Digital Green Certificate (DGC) and Passenger Locator Forms (PLFs). Working shoulder-to-shoulder as a draconian ‘universal framework’, they are digging a six-foot legislative hole in which to lay freedom of movement and the concept of bodily integrity to rest….

Worldwide Demonstration 2.0, May 15: Over 100 Cities Worldwide #WeWillAllBeThere

Worldwide Demonstration 2.0, May 15: Over 100 Cities Worldwide #WeWillAllBeThere

After the huge success of the first Worldwide Demonstration all over the world: On May 15, 2021, the Worldwide Demonstration 2.0 calls citizens of the world to demonstrate peacefully against the current Corona measures, and stand again for Freedom, side by side with people from all over the world. With live streams from different countries,…

TAKE ACTION Petition Against Biometric Mass Surveillance
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TAKE ACTION Petition Against Biometric Mass Surveillance

The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), Reclaim Your Face, is calling the European citizens to ask for the ban on biometric mass surveillance practices. On 21st April, the European Commission proposal for a Regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) highlighted the seriously risky business of biometric mass surveillance (BMS), and proposed a new rule to prohibit law…

Judge in Germany Who Ruled Against Face Masks and Testing for Schoolchildren Has His Private Home Raided by Police

Judge in Germany Who Ruled Against Face Masks and Testing for Schoolchildren Has His Private Home Raided by Police

by Vicky Richter & Markus Haintz On April 26, 2021, a Justice at the family court in Weimar, Germany, Justice Christian Dettmar had his private home as well as his office searched and mobile phone confiscated on allegations of „bending the law“. The raid followed an injunction by the Judge on April 8, 2021, in…

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Since the WHO declared a pandemic, Europe has seen the advent of two curious legal instruments: the Digital Green Certificate (DGC) and Passenger Locator Forms (PLFs). Working shoulder-to-shoulder as a draconian ‘universal framework’, they are digging a six-foot legislative hole in which to lay freedom of movement and the concept of bodily integrity to rest. Until…


English NHS Finally Speaks The Truth On Covid-19 Deaths

by Nicole Délepine The CDC (The US’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and NHS (the National Health Service, the United Kingdom’s public health system, founded in 1948 ) confess to the true number of Covid-19-related deaths “They are lying to you – Official NHS data show that only 3,542 people actually died from COVID-19″…

EU Vaccine Injury Reporting System Shows More Than 330,000 Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines

EU Vaccine Injury Reporting System Shows More Than 330,000 Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines

The European database of suspected drug reaction EudraVigilance tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” Health Impact News compiled the latest data on reports of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths in EU countries following vaccination with all four COVID vaccines approved in the EU for emergency use. As of April 17…