Reinstating unvaccinated healthcare workers: ‘I couldn’t hold back the tears’

Reinstating unvaccinated healthcare workers: ‘I couldn’t hold back the tears’

The repeal of covid vaccination requirement for healthcare professionals voted in the French Parliament. The Gauche Démocratique et Républicaine group’s bill to repeal the covid-19 vaccination obligation in the medical sectors and to reinstate suspended professionals was adopted against the government’s advice on Thursday, May 4th,  2023, by 157 votes in favor and 137 votes…

A book review: ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentices’
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A book review: ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentices’

Prof. Alexandra Henrion Caude, PhD is well-known to most of our readers for her scientific work beyond the accelerated turmoil of the past three years. She is committed to finding simple, low cost and ethical medical solutions through her research in genetics.  Prof. Henrion Caude has been openly critical of the failure of the health…

video Coordination Sante Libre Appel du 9 Janvier 2021
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Hope for change in health management thanks to the coordination of thousands of doctors, scientists and independent elected representatives (France)

The movement Coordination Santé /Libre in France, which brings together the Collectives of doctors, caregivers and scientists who do not share the current health management of the French government, was officially announced in Paris on Saturday January 09, 2021. It aims to defend patients and their doctors, as well as public freedoms, in particular the…