
Open Letter re Vaccine/Immunity Passports from UKMFA and Lawyers for Liberty to Government and MPs

In this Open Letter, the UK Medical Freedom Alliance and Lawyers for Liberty detail their grave legal, ethical, and medical concerns, in response to recent rhetoric from government and private businesses, regarding the introduction of Vaccine/Immunity passports.
” We urge a return to individual responsibility for our own health and argue that it is disproportionate and unnecessary to go down the route of further restrictions and loss of freedoms that a Vaccine/Immunity Passport would entail. We argue that Vaccine Passports represent a dangerous path which has no place in a democratic and free society, and which would be a profoundly illiberal, undemocratic, and un-British policy. “

We invite the citizens of the UK to send this letter to your MP. A Word Doc Template cover letter for you to use is available here.
The UKMFA and Lawyers for Liberty Open Letter is available here in PDF.

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