Robert F Kennedy Jr
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Robert F Kennedy Jr explains his positions on vaccines to his family

By Robert F Kennedy Jr Three of my Kennedy relatives published an article criticizing my advocacy for safe vaccines. Our contentious family dispute highlights the fierce national donnybrook over vaccinations that has divided communities and raised doubts about the Democratic Party’s commitment to some of its defining values: abhorrence of censorship, wariness toward excessive corporate…

video Coordination Sante Libre Appel du 9 Janvier 2021
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Hope for change in health management thanks to the coordination of thousands of doctors, scientists and independent elected representatives (France)

The movement Coordination Santé /Libre in France, which brings together the Collectives of doctors, caregivers and scientists who do not share the current health management of the French government, was officially announced in Paris on Saturday January 09, 2021. It aims to defend patients and their doctors, as well as public freedoms, in particular the…


Taking A Covid Vaccine Is Not A Gesture Of Solidarity

What is real solidarity? Hi, I’m Senta Depuydt. Today, I really want to call your attention on the notion of ‘solidarity’. When I look at the news, I see an impressive number of Covid vaccine injury reports, thousands of doctors who refuse the vaccine and governments and media who keep putting the pressure on people…


Short resume of the EMA Public stakeholder meeting on assessment, approval and roll-out of pandemic vaccines

Here is a short resume of the “European Medicines Agency (EMA) Public stakeholder meeting on assessment, approval and roll-out of pandemic vaccines” (the video – duration 2h14mins – is available below) In this seminar with Q&A at the end, EMA presented its view, especially on the 2 “vaccines” from Comirnaty and Moderna. Not surprisingly, “all…

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‘Women for Liberty’ Demonstrate and Dive in the Ocean for A Year of ‘Naked Truth’ (Netherlands)

On the third of January 2021, the Dutch group of Vrouwen voor Vrijheid (Women for Liberty) held their third demonstration in the beautiful city of Haarlem in The Netherlands. Around 3000 visitors enjoyed an inspiring podium. The theme of the manifestation was ‘Met de billen bloot’, meaning going for the ‘Naked Truth‘. With a wink…

Pandemic law, untested ‘Cov*d-19 genoccin’ and change in the Constitution, what is going on in Sweden?
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Pandemic law, untested ‘Cov*d-19 genoccin’ and change in the Constitution, what is going on in Sweden?

SWEDEN, so far out of lockdowns, is under the threat of a tough new ‘pandemic law’ which will give stronger lockdown powers to the government. The government presented a temporary new ‘pandemic law’ on Monday, December 28 which, if passed by parliament during an exceptional and rushed meeting, would come into effect on 10th January…

Study Finds 68% of Children Report Side Effects from Wearing Masks (Germany)

Study Finds 68% of Children Report Side Effects from Wearing Masks (Germany)

The results the first German study on children and teenagers wearing mouth and nose coverings reveal 68%  complain of wearing a mask. Researchers at the university of Witten Herdecke had set up the first registry to report effects of wearing a mask in children. 363 doctors were invited to report their findings and ask parents…

Planet Lockdown Catherine Austin Fitts Explains The Hold Up On Humanity And How To Stop It

Planet Lockdown Catherine Austin Fitts Explains The Hold Up On Humanity And How To Stop It

Catherine Austin Fitts: We’ve been put in a trap this year but the door hasn’t shut, and that’s why we’re talking because transparency can blow the game. These interviews should provoke a tsunami and are already flooding social networks! The full film of Planet Lockdown, when released, will be available at this URL. For The…

Breaking! Public Prosecutor Orders Investigation Into Vaccine Quality Control and Says Scientific Answers Are Needed (Corvelva Italy)
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Breaking! Public Prosecutor Orders Investigation Into Vaccine Quality Control and Says Scientific Answers Are Needed (Corvelva Italy)

  The Italian citizens’ organization Corvelva has finally forced an inquiry into the quality of vaccine lots after having financed independent analyzes of different vaccines that showed many samples are not compliant with quality standards and health product regulations. Corvelva just issued a press release of the decision made by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in…

The PCR Test lawsuit should start around the world soon

The PCR Test lawsuit should start around the world soon

The lawsuit against PCR Test by Reiner Fuellmich starts around the world soon. In a recent interview given in English in Berlin (the video can be seen in French below), Reiner Fuellmich talks about: why he came “back to Europe “to help find out what is going on“. Trial lawyer at the German and California bares…