Italians Worry Over Excessive Number Of Severe Allergic Reactions To Pfizer Vaccine But EMA Sees No Problem

Italians Worry Over Excessive Number Of Severe Allergic Reactions To Pfizer Vaccine But EMA Sees No Problem

Are Italian the first Europeans to pay the price of a blind trust in the Covid-19 mass vaccination experiment? The charts published in Eudravigilance the European database of suspected adverse reactions show an amazingly high number of severe allergic reactions to ‘Comirnaty’ the mRNA Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine with about one third of all adverse events recorded…

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Wake-Up Call With Pots and Pans From Denmark (Are You Being Told The Truth? Video)

Members of the World Freedom Alliance were greeted by the fire of ‘pots and pans’ of the demonstrators in Copenhagen.  Mrs. Senta Depuydt who represents Children’s Health Defense in Europe joined prominent freedom fighters from  Europe for an international wake-up call against totalitarian measures taken by governments. Mr. Mads Palsvig a former investment banker and…

Does the Pandemic Serve a Global Agenda and a Global Financial Agenda? Catherine Austin Fitts with Senta Depuydt
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Does the Pandemic Serve a Global Agenda and a Global Financial Agenda? Catherine Austin Fitts with Senta Depuydt

Catherine Austin Fitts, Economist and President of The Solari Time: 1’ – 8’ / Introduction Articles from Senta Depuydt on Children Health Defense:Does The Coronavirus Pandemic Serve A Global Agenda?What Really Happened In Berlin? CHD’s Senta Depuydt Was There —- Time: from 8’50 / CAF about the Corporate Media  —- Time: 15:50 / The…

EU Parliament Denied Info On Vaccine Contracts, Money Remains Secret
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EU Parliament Denied Info On Vaccine Contracts, Money Remains Secret

As incredible as it may sound a group of elected members of the European Parliament has tried to get information on the Covid vaccines contracts signed by the European Commission for months without any success.  After weeks of lobbying, a very small number of them was granted an exceptional favour in exceptional conditions. They were…

Latvians Against Tyranny Ask For A New Nuremberg
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Latvians Against Tyranny Ask For A New Nuremberg

Yet another wake up call against tyranny from eastern Europe. This time it’s from a small country in the north east on the Baltic Sea that has long lived under the influence of  Germany, Russia, Belarus and Poland.  As in many other countries, citizens of Latvia have warned against a political disease. In December, their…

August 2020 Berlin rally for Freedom
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29/8/2020 How Many People in Berlin? (Germany)

Following the ‘End of Corona’ party on the 1st of August 2020 which brought together an estimated 800 000 according to the organizers or 3000 to 17 000 according to mainstream media, a new edition was held on August 29th, inviting all Europeans to meet at the Siegeseule, (the column of victory in the central…

German Medical Doctor Appeals to her Colleagues Around the World
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German Medical Doctor Appeals to her Colleagues Around the World

“Physicians following their Hippocratic Oath must resolutely stand up for the well-being of their patients.”   Gerlinde Laeverenz-Foti, M.D., is a holistic physician and has been dealing with the issue around vaccination for many years. She turns to her colleagues on this occasion, stating that if physicians in particular are not attentive in this crisis,…

Rally Vienna January 2021 Freedom

A Week End Of Rebellion With Rallies and Reopening All Over Europe

  ‘Enough is enough’, Citizens all over Europe are exasperated with the increase of restrictions and the destruction of society imposed by their governments with shameless fearporn. Most countries are now playing ‘the english variant’ tune to take it to the level of fascism passing legislation to make emergency legislation and measures  the new way…

Goralskie Highlanders ‘Veto’ Lockdown And Hope The Whole Country Will Follow (Poland)

Goralskie Highlanders ‘Veto’ Lockdown And Hope The Whole Country Will Follow (Poland)

“We are on the side of law, it is the government that rebels” By Patryk Vlod Polish restaurants, pubs, small hotels, inns, ski slopes and other businesses all over Poland are reopening, regardless of COVID restrictions imposed by the Polish Government. They were supposed to stay closed until at least 31 January 2021. But people…

Interview: Robert Kennedy Jr. Takes on the Lobbies

Interview: Robert Kennedy Jr. Takes on the Lobbies

Interview of Robert Kennedy Jr. by Senta Depuydt (first published in 2018) Robert Kennedy, Jr., an environmental law specialist with decades of experience, is one of the few attorneys who can take on the corporate giants. In early September, he was invited by some Green Party MEPs to speak at the European Parliament during additional…