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Pfizer conspiracy: investigations against Leyen suspended

Source: TKP.at, Thomas Oysmüller, 22 May 2024

The investigation against Leyen in the Pfizer case is expected to have been put on hold by December. 

Due to the EU deal with Pfizer over the mRNA corona substances, several EU states, EU MPs and hundreds of citizens have joined the lawsuit against Ursula von der Leyen. The public prosecutor is investigating, but the investigation will now be suspended for many more months.

Who is responsible?

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) has announced that the hearing in a Belgian court on the case has been postponed to December 6th. The question addressed there is whether the Belgian criminal investigators or the EU authorities are responsible for prosecuting this case.

The court postponed the hearing on Friday to give the parties an opportunity to discuss the questions of jurisdiction and the waiver of von der Leyen’s immunity. According to the complainant, Leyen cannot claim comprehensive personal immunity because she was not elected to her position. She is only protected from prosecution by “functional immunity” if she has carried out actions within the scope of her defined function as President of the Commission.

Because the court did not make a decision last week, more months will now pass. Only then will it be clear whether he is actually responsible for the investigation. This means that there will be no further developments surrounding the alleged “Leyen-Pfizer conspiracy” before the EU elections in just under two weeks.

. EU MP Martin Sonneborn from the Die Party told the Berliner Zeitung : “The EU election has already been sufficiently delegitimized, in which the result, namely a further term in office for Commission President von der Leyen, is already as certain as the results of elections in Russia or China, will be further delegitimized by this decision. “Why does it take the European Public Prosecutor’s Office EPPO, which reports to Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders and reports to Commission President von der Leyen, a year and a half to have von der Leyen’s booth in the Commission building searched and her work cell phone confiscated in order to inspect the Pfizer SMS?”

TKP reported in detail about the judicial case:

Pfizer conspiracy: Several states sue Leyen

Slovakia’s Prime Minister addresses the “Leyen-Pfizer conspiracy”

Pfizer Gate: First direct investigation against von der Leyen

The Leyen-Pfizer conspiracy and the great silence

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