A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation

By Fabio Vighi A  year and a half after the arrival of Virus, some may have started wondering why the usually unscrupulous ruling elites decided to freeze the global profit-making machine in the face of a pathogen that targets almost exclusively the unproductive (over 80s). Why all the humanitarian zeal? Cui bono? Only those who…


John Titus: The “Going Direct” Reset: The Pandemic is a Monetary Event

Session II with Catherine Austin Fitts: The Going Direct Reset The “Going Direct” Reset: The Pandemic is a Monetary EventJohn Titus John TITUS has written, produced and directed videos about the loss of the rule of law in the U.S. since 2014. His videos focus largely on Wall Street crime, and cronyism in the Financial…


Why COVID Vaccines Are Dream Come True for Central Banks

Paired with the rollout of related surveillance technologies — digital tracking devices, vaccine passports, brain-machine interfaces and planet-wide 5G — COVID vaccines are a critical component of central bankers’ plan to establish a global control grid. Primed by the media to equate COVID-19 injections with “escape from COVID-19’s long siege,” about half of U.S. adults (54%)…

Putting An End To The Fear And State Lies (worldwide!)
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Putting An End To The Fear And State Lies (worldwide!)

We are at a pivotal moment, where the truth is about to break through the barriers of censorship and some key people in the organisation of the ‘pandemic response’ are about to be questioned and even charged. Many of you will have realised that governments have used experts to manipulate a whole range of data…

Top Public Health Leaders Lied About Covid’s Origin, Funded Fraudulent Trials And Controlled The Pandemic Scenario
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Top Public Health Leaders Lied About Covid’s Origin, Funded Fraudulent Trials And Controlled The Pandemic Scenario

In very early 2020 there was a lot of chatter about where the virus, later named SARS-CoV-2, actually came from.  In an excellent, detailed article for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade describes how two short pieces published in The Lancet and Nature Medicine in Feb-March 2020 determined…

How UK And EU Govts  Deliberately Use Media Psyop To Scare The Public And Induce Mind Control. Fuellmich interviews Gerrish
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How UK And EU Govts Deliberately Use Media Psyop To Scare The Public And Induce Mind Control. Fuellmich interviews Gerrish

On 28 May 2021, Brian Gerrish gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extra-parliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally. The theme for the day during the 54th session was “Caught between nudging and side effects”. A transcript of…

Vaccination Fury Road, What’s Next On Europe’s Fast Tracking Agenda?
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Vaccination Fury Road, What’s Next On Europe’s Fast Tracking Agenda?

The European Union is currently accelerating different points on the Covid-19 vaccine agenda, harder, faster, stronger regardless of reality of the pandemic, of the use of new treatments, of serious safety risks or even the many extra billions it will cost. Looking back right before the pandemic, in September 2019 the EU Commission and the…

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Since the WHO declared a pandemic, Europe has seen the advent of two curious legal instruments: the Digital Green Certificate (DGC) and Passenger Locator Forms (PLFs). Working shoulder-to-shoulder as a draconian ‘universal framework’, they are digging a six-foot legislative hole in which to lay freedom of movement and the concept of bodily integrity to rest….

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Passenger Locator Forms: When You Become A Health Threat, And Removing Your Rights A Formality

Since the WHO declared a pandemic, Europe has seen the advent of two curious legal instruments: the Digital Green Certificate (DGC) and Passenger Locator Forms (PLFs). Working shoulder-to-shoulder as a draconian ‘universal framework’, they are digging a six-foot legislative hole in which to lay freedom of movement and the concept of bodily integrity to rest. Until…

The Pushback – Oracle Films
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The Pushback – Oracle Films

On March 20th 2021, people in over 40 countries across the world gathered in peaceful unison for a worldwide demonstration – to oppose disproportionate government measures threatening the very foundation of their rights and freedoms. This huge international effort was appallingly misrepresented and downright ignored by the mainstream media. Produced by Oracle Films, in collaboration…