Vax-Unvax – Let the Science Speak. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Brian Hooker
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Vax-Unvax – Let the Science Speak. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Brian Hooker

Given the evident agenda to vaccinate the global population through misinformation and coercion, Vax – Unvax is a timely and necessary book for people to read and make informed choices for themselves and their families. It is also relevant for health workers and schools. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is founder, chairman of the board (on…

What They Did to the Children
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What They Did to the Children

Children, as any parent knows, are not small adults. Their brain is growing and being acutely shaped by their environment and experience. Social skills and values are learnt from those around them, with teamwork, risk-management, personal boundaries, and tolerance being learned through play with other children. Their immune system is imprinting environmental contact into a…

USA v. Dr. Kirk Moore et al.
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USA v. Dr. Kirk Moore et al.

Key premises of Bailiwick reporting and analysis The US military is actively engaged in an organized criminal enterprise to injure and kill large numbers of military personnel and civilians without detection or legal impediment. One of the most useful tools in the arsenal — because it strikes an effective balance between the killers’ two primary…

From Berlin-Lichtenberg to Recklinghausen –Obedience to the law versus education of the heart

From Berlin-Lichtenberg to Recklinghausen –Obedience to the law versus education of the heart

“Labour to keep alive in your Breast that Little Spark of Celestial fire Called Conscience” A retired police officer from Germany, son and grandson of Survivors of the Shoa, has written an open letter on behalf of Dr. Heinrich Habig, MD, who received a prison sentence for “doing no harm”. Introduction Do the names Ida…

Increase in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to COVID Shots, Data Show — Health Officials ‘Should Have Known’

Increase in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to COVID Shots, Data Show — Health Officials ‘Should Have Known’

This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website. In groundbreaking research presented Wednesday, statistician and Luzern University professor Dr. Konstantin Beck said data show miscarriages and stillbirth rates in 2022 corresponded directly to COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women in Switzerland nine months earlier — and vaccine makers…

Accountability matters: Inquiry into the country’s Covid-19 response called for, now in the Italian Parliament

Accountability matters: Inquiry into the country’s Covid-19 response called for, now in the Italian Parliament

A speech by parliamentarian Alice Buonguerrieri—her name meaning Good Warrior Stock (!) —demanding an inquiry into the whole of Italy’s Covid tyranny, as Former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Former Minister of Health Roberto Speranza scuttle out of the chamber. (Alex Thomson) Despite the effort to silence her by other MP’s, she completed her speech…

mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy?
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mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy?

mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? This is the question asked by Helene Banoun PhD, in one of her latest articles published 22 June 2023 in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, in its special issue The Future of Drug Discovery and Development. The question many have addressed before and fought to uncover: citizens, lawyers, scientists…

EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement
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EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement

What is disinformation? It used to be true information that the DHS claimed was misleading. Now it has been redefined to encompass misinformation (false information) too. But it is a slippery concept, because we have a First Amendment right to free speech: we can say whatever we want to say. It does not have to…

The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?
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The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?

At around 5:45 in the evening on Tuesday May 23, Judge Malte Grundmann entered the courtroom at Amtsgericht Plön to deliver his decision in the case of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. Following nine hours of deliberations, testimony and final arguments, all who were present in the gallery stood up eagerly awaiting the outcome to be read…