WHO treaties: a clear victory for the pharmaceutical industry and a threat to public health
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WHO treaties: a clear victory for the pharmaceutical industry and a threat to public health

The WHO’s Assembly of Countries ended on 1 June with the adoption of key points of the planned changes to the International Health Regulations and parts of the pandemic treaty. Since then, there has been a debate about the negative impact these changes will have. Anyone who believes that the resistance will be successful is…

Vaccinated people categorised as unvaccinated: This shows how studies and statistics were falsified
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Vaccinated people categorised as unvaccinated: This shows how studies and statistics were falsified

Source: TKP.at, Dr. Peter F. Mayer, 24 May 2024 We were right – say scientists Norman Fenton, Martin Neil, Clare Craig and four others. The UK Statistics Office (ONS) now admits that deaths among vaccinated people in 2021 were incorrectly categorised as unvaccinated. The ONS denied it at the time but now admits it. When…

Are there viruses? – Doctors for COVID Ethics

Are there viruses? – Doctors for COVID Ethics

Source: TKP.at, Dr. Peter F. Mayer, 22 May 2024 A discussion that has arisen again and again over the past four years concerns the question of whether viruses even exist or whether respiratory diseases have other causes. The two scientists and doctors Michael Palmer and Sucharit Bhakdi recently published an article on this issue at…

HPV vaccination – the combination of pharmaceutical business and medicine
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HPV vaccination – the combination of pharmaceutical business and medicine

Source: TKP.at, Dr. Peter F. Mayer, 232 May 2024 The HPV vaccination is one that has been fraught with problems and controversy from the start. Given the side effects and questionable usefulness, especially for boys and men, it obviously takes some sales skills to get them to women or men. That’s why it’s obviously necessary…

Wind turbines: unreliable, expensive, climate-changing and harmful to health due to infrasound
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Wind turbines: unreliable, expensive, climate-changing and harmful to health due to infrasound

Source: TKP.at, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 14 May 2024 The climate must be protected from CO2 and therefore we need energy from falsely labelled “renewable” energy sources. One of these sources is supposed to be wind. But there are more problems associated with it than it initially may seem. Not least, it has negative health…

New study: Long-term damage caused by toxic ingredients when wearing masks
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New study: Long-term damage caused by toxic ingredients when wearing masks

Source: TKP.at, Dr. Peter F. Mayer, originally published 06 May 2024 Over the past four years there has been an unprecedented, sustained requirement to wear masks. These are made of plastic and a whole range of toxins. Warnings about the expected damage to health were ignored by politicians and authorities. A new study summarizes the…

Corona mRNA preparations from BioNTech Pfizer: limit values ​​exceeded 500 times – study
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Corona mRNA preparations from BioNTech Pfizer: limit values ​​exceeded 500 times – study

Source: TKP.at, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 12 May 2024 It has been proven since spring 2023 that BioNTech Pfizer’s corona vaccines contain not only RNA, but also significant DNA impurities. Kevin McKernan had already published the first findings on the DNA content of the modRNA vaccines on February 16, 2023. The findings are serious because they inoculate spike genes that can multiply in the body and…

Pharmaceutical market for autism treatments will more than double by 2030
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Pharmaceutical market for autism treatments will more than double by 2030

Source: TKP.at, Dr. Peter F. Mayer. 08 May 2024 The enormous increase in the number of vaccinations that are now being pushed even to newborns has caused a rapid increase in the number of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) here and worldwide. As a result, the market for the treatment of immune and brain dysfunction associated…

Cancer mortality in Japan: Study shows increase since vaccination began
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Cancer mortality in Japan: Study shows increase since vaccination began

Interesting data from Japan: cancer mortality has increased significantly in connection with the corona vaccinations. This gives us further confirmation that corona mRNA vaccinations promote cancer. The first dose brought an increase that was accelerated with each subsequent dose. However, there was no change in 2020. Source: TKP.at, Dr- Peter F. Mayer, 04 May 2024…

The chemtrail industry for man-made weather and climate change
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The chemtrail industry for man-made weather and climate change

Source: TKP.at, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 18 April 2024 Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory until they become true. Weather manipulation is known to every winegrower who wants to protect himself from large hailstones. But in fact, weather manipulation is now practised on an industrial scale. Government and corporate media prefer to write about climate change…