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Massive protests in Japan against WHO and consequences of Covid vaccination campaign

Source: TKP.at, Dr Peter F. Mayer, 14 April 2024

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Japan on 13 April 2024 against the World Health Organization and the seizure of power by the WHO and its oligarch backers through the proposed treaties and treaty changes. The day will go down in the annals of modern Japanese history as tens of thousands of citizens gathered across the country for a series of pandemic rallies. The protests centred on widespread opposition to the pandemic treaty and the creation of a totalitarian surveillance society.

From the bustling streets of Ikebukuro to the gatherings in Higashi-Ikebukuro Central Park, the sheer scale of the turnout speaks volumes, as Aussie17 reports. Organisers were aiming for a monumental turnout of 100,000 protesters to demand answers to important issues, such as the sharp rise in excess deaths and the lack of transparency around the side effects of vaccinations.

The protests were not only directed against possible forced vaccinations against all sorts of invented diseases, but also against the alleged overreach of health authorities and their links to the global pharmaceutical industry. The demonstrators criticised the lack of explanations for the drastic increase in excess deaths and demanded accountability and clarity on the deaths caused by vaccinations.

High profile speakers, including reportedly Professor Masayasu Inoue and modern history researcher Chikatsu Hayashi, delivered compelling speeches ahead of the demonstration, exposing the worrying dynamic between global health authorities and pharmaceutical agendas.

Professor Inoue pointed to the worrying trend of our health being weaponised, which he described as “a third world war waged with information”. He urged the public to resist the introduction of genetic vaccines into their bodies, pointing out that a significant proportion of WHO funding comes from pharmaceutical giants and private interests such as the Bill Gates Foundation. This follows Japan’s message to the world, which Prof Inoue announced a few days ago.

The speech by modern history researcher Prof Chikatsu Hayashi was a call to resist the approaching shadows of global totalitarianism, symbolically describing the proactive stance against it as “stopping the third atomic bomb with our hands”. His poignant speech highlighted a national movement that is not only against the pandemic treaty, but also against the underlying structures that threaten Japan’s sovereignty and the well-being of its citizens.

More videos can be found on X/Twitter under the hashtag #WHO脱退せよ (Withdrawal from WHO).

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