CHD to Launch ‘Vax-Unvax’ Bus Tour: ‘People Over Profits, Truth Over Lies, Courage Over Fear’

This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) in September will launch a bus tour to gather stories from people injured by vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccines.

The announcement came from CHD.TV’s Polly Tommey Monday while sitting inside the bus shortly after it was “wrapped.”

Streaming from a “secret location” in Texas, Polly showed the left side of the #CHDBUS emblazoned with the CHD name, “Vax-Unvax” in huge red and blue letters and the words “The People’s Study” beneath it.

Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak,” is a new book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD chairman on leave, and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., CHD senior director of research. The book, due out in late August, is available now for preorder.

The right side of the bus says, “Fighting children’s health epidemics, corruption and censorship” in capital letters.

The theme of the bus tour is “People over profits, truth over lies, courage over fear,” said Polly during an episode of CHD.TV’s “Good Morning CHD,” which aired this week.

“The goal is to expose vaccine injury and give voice to those censored and ignored by governments, health agencies and the medical system,” Polly told viewers.

The vaccine injury awareness bus tour

The 42-foot bus will travel the country for a year starting September 2023. Destinations will be announced in future CHD.TV episodes.

At tour stops, people injured by vaccines will have a platform to share their stories.

They can also write their names on the outside of the bus, just as they did during CHD’s previous bus tour, Polly said.

As the tour travels from city to city, the body of the bus will fill up with all the names of the injured, serving as a visual reminder of the widespread harm caused by our medical system that continues to diminish, ignore and gaslight the vaccine-injured.

There will also be a “beautiful book,” Polly said, for the vaccine-injured and their families to write their messages and share their photos and children’s drawings.

“Come to us and tell us what you’ve got. Tell us what the world needs to hear,” Polly said.

All bus tour news and events will be posted on this webpage.

Preview event reveals rampant harm

During an informal stop at one Texas location, 17 people shared their vaccine injury stories, which included the death of a child after the COVID-19 shot, neurological damage, strokes and autoimmune disorders.

This brief preview revealed the scale of injuries the tour is likely to uncover during its sojourn across America.

All 17 of the injured signed their names in white on the outside of the bus. A visitor by the name of Kimberly from the Nurse Freedom Network signed “#18 All the injured!”

“I would just like to sign it on behalf of all the vaccine-injured that I have met,” she said.

Another visitor, Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse, talked about her whistleblower story of exposing myocarditis and blood clots in children and other underreported vaccine injuries she observed while working in a federal intensive care unit and emergency room at Phoenix Indian Medical Center. She said:

“People weren’t reporting safety signals and so many other issues, the violation of ethical principles and protocols to the detriment of the patient. So I pulled out my phone and I recorded what was happening and I used an organization named Project Veritas to release it to the world.”

Many others shared their stories with Polly during the hour-long announcement presentation.

‘Vax-Unvax’ book to be released Aug. 29

The tour coincides with the upcoming release of the “Vax-Unvax” book in which the authors investigate over 100 peer-reviewed studies, analyzing the differences in health outcomes in vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations, including infants, children and adults.

Readers will learn about the infant/child vaccination schedule, thimerosal in vaccines, the flu and hepatitis B vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccine, vaccines during pregnancy, the relationship between vaccination and Gulf War syndrome, and much more.

Dr. Peter McCullough wrote about the book:

“With the rise of hyper-vaccination, Kennedy and Hooker uncover a concurrent explosion of childhood allergic, immune, and neuropsychiatric illnesses … this dawn of a new age in public health will be tumultuous for years to come.”

Naomi Wolf, bestselling author of “The Beauty Myth” and “The Bodies of Others,” wrote:

“This clear, compelling, timely book lays to rest most myths about the ‘science’ and safety of many existing vaccines and exposes shoddy testing, shocking damage to health, and corrupt business practices. An important follow-up to Kennedy’s The Real Anthony Fauci.”

The book’s foreword was written by Del Bigtree, best known for his weekly program “The HighWire.”

How the public can get involved

There are many ways to participate in the “Vax-Unvax” tour.

People can visit stops on the tour to share their vaccine injury stories or listen to the stories of others.

Those who cannot attend are encouraged to send CHD their story using this contact form.

Vaccine-injured individuals can sign the bus to memorialize their experience and record their stories in the tour book.

People can donate to CHD to support the tour and CHD’s advocacy work.

Sharing the video with friends on social media with the hashtag #CHDBUS will really help get the word out and build a positive buzz for the upcoming tour!

CHD’s “Vax-Unvax” tour bus will spend the next month in Austin getting all the technical equipment installed for livestreaming from the road.

“If you are in and around Austin, you can come and we can tell your story there while the bus is being fitted out,“ said Polly.

Watch and get the regular updates on CHD TV (here).

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